At last, I can say it. The fall 2016 semester is over. This semester was a rough one. But after 18 credit hours, applying to be on my school's orientation staff, working as a section editor for a newspaper, and (again) 18 credit hours, I have another semester under my belt.There are no words to describe how happy I am to be done, but luckily there are no shortage of gifs. Here is what the end of the semester feels like as told by the Game of Thrones.
The last days of classes are over and you rejoice that you have the day of freedom (a.k.a Reading Day) tomorrow.
You wake up on Reading Day, promising yourself you'll be productive and study really hard.
But you procrastinate and end up spending the whole day watching a new show on Netflix.
You realize you'll really regret procrastinating in the morning.
The next day you walk into the final, totally unprepared for this final.
And you immediately see a question you don't know the answer to.
So you start thinking of jobs that don't need a degree.
But you ~somehow~ survive and smile at the fact that you're done with one final.
Then you remember you have a million more to do.
And each one takes a little bit more of your soul than the last.
But you're just so happy to be done that you don't even care.
You can FINALLY go home.
But then you remember you still need to fill out those course evaluations.
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