There are always those feelings that make you get goose bumps they feel so good, or it has been bugging you all day and you finally get to take it off or fix it. To me these are some of the best feelings in the world.
1. Getting into a shower that's the perfect temperature.
This is one of the best feelings ever. You don't have to turn the nozzle even a bit it's so perfect. You know you're in for a long shower and some pruned fingers after this one.
2. Hitting the ball in the sweet spot.
If you're a baseball player, golfer, tennis player, or any that involve hitting a ball in the sweet spot, you must know how this feels. You have to double check to see if the ball actually hit your club or racket or bat, because it felt as if it went straight through.
3. Taking your golf shoes off after a round.
This one is a little biased because I played golf, but this can also fit into any category with shoes and a long day. That moment those tight shoes come off, your foot can expand and breath again.
4. Taking off a tie.
Guys will know that wearing a tie does look good, but feels as if someone is grabbing onto your throat constantly, or you have some object stuck in your throat that you can't get out. Once you loosen the tie and unbutton that top button, you feel like you're taking your first breath again.
5. Taking off your bra after a long day.
I have no idea what this feels like, but from all of the memes on social media have been led to believe that it feels amazing and quit freeing. This one's for you girls (pun intended).
6. Head rubs.
Again, I find myself being biased, but damn head rubs are the way to my heart, and I know a lot of people like them to. I swear after five minutes don't be surprised to see my eyes closed and not answering any of your questions because my ass is knocked out!
7. Cleaning your ears.
Cleaning your ears is something that just doesn't sound appealing, but holy (you know what) does it feel good! Soon you get to a point where it's obvious your ears are perfectly clean, but you keep "cleaning" them because it just feels that good.
8. Getting into bed.
Getting into your bed any day is the best feeling. Your bed doesn't judge you, it greets you with open sheets and holds you tight.