For all of us who play collegiate athletics, we all know the struggles of our own respective sports. For me, it is golf, but more specifically Midwest golf. Growing up in the Midwest I have experienced the struggle that is winter my entire career, but through the first season-and-a-half of my college career, I have realized how much worse it gets. Here are some things any Midwest college golfer should know:
1. The best season is your off season.
Summer days spent out on the golf courses are some of the best. Unfortunately many are not spent with your teammates doing the stupid things that keep us amused during slow play.
2. Move in week is one of the best weeks of the year.
Moving in means it is the start of the fall golf season and seeing all your teammates again. Days are spent golfing while nights consist of reminiscing about the summer’s events.
3. The first day of class feels
After a few weeks of spending our days out in the sun, suddenly we are trapping classroom and cant help but gaze out the windows.
4. The bitter sweet end to fall season
By the end of the fall season, most of us are pretty burnt out. But it is still bitter to know that winter is coming.
5. The New Years Itch
After the last few months of slacking off a little bit, suddenly the New Year is upon us, and all we want to do is golf again.
6. Winter Workouts
Coming back for second semester all we want is to get back into the groove of things. A lot of hours are spent in the indoor golf facilities on or around campus.
7. March can make or break your semester.
An early or warm spring is always what is hoped for. But many of us have to spend a few weeks in the indoor facilities or taking trips to warm places just to play.
8. Jealousy towards those who were able to travel to warm places.
Some of our teammates had the fortunate event of getting to travel to a warm place where they could hit the links. This is great, except for the teammates who are stuck at home in the cold.
9. Receiving that "courses are open” notification from your coach
This is one of the best feelings in the world for us. We can finally play. It might be 50 degrees but you can be sure that, if you need us, we will be at the golf course.