Traveling out of the country is an incredibly exciting opportunity, and one of the most surreal things one can experience. Simply nothing compares to this incredibly eye-opening and humbling opportunity. Everyone experiences their first trip out of the country in a different way, but there are feelings that all of us go through. When you first step off of the plane, you're hit with sudden...
1. Overwhelming excitement
When the realization hits you that you're in a new country, surrounded by new people and a totally different culture, the excitement is almost too much to bear. So much to see and do! But when that wears off, then comes the...
2. Culture shock
A foreign language, foreign buildings, foreign people...even the McDonald's menu is totally foreign. For the first time ever, you're surrounded by what feels like a completely different world, and it can be difficult to find anything familiar. Feeling so out of place can lead to...
3. Homesickness
After awaiting an exciting trip for so long, it can be surprising to long for home when you finally get there, but it can happen. Adjusting to a new place and culture can be hard, but once you do, then comes...
4. More overwhelming excitement
Once the reality of the situation sinks in and you adjust to your surroundings, what was at first scary about being in a foreign country becomes exciting, and you can't wait to experience all the new things! But realizing there's so much to do in so little time leads to...
5. Panic
It feels like as soon as you arrive, it's almost time to leave, and it seems like you've hardly done anything in the time that you've been gone. The flight home is in just a few days, and you've barely begun doing all the things you set out to do! But once you accept that it's time to go home, it's extremely...
6. Bittersweet
It's always nice to be in your own bed, surrounded by a familiar place and the people you love, but when you go to a foreign country, it's impossible not to fall in love with its people and culture, so it's hard to say goodbye. But you leave a piece of your heart in all the places you went, and you know that it's not the end. It's just the beginning of your traveling adventure and you know that you'll always have next time to look forward to!