Midterms may be the worst time of the whole term. Not only because of your six billion tests, quizzes and projects, but also because you're homesick, you miss your dog, and you're almost positive that you are failing all of your classes. Don't worry though, you are not alone.
1) You are now just realizing that you have learned literally nothing.
You're completely regretting taking all of those naps you took instead of studying right about now. You're sitting there wondering, What language these study guides in?, because they make zero sense.
2) What is sleep?
Coffee is your best friend; it may be the only thing you have going for you.
3) You're completely convinced that the library should never close.
Gerber Center, why must you close at midnight? WHY?
4) This is your 10th mental breakdown today.
At this point, why even wear make up? You know you're going to cry it all off as you write this ten page paper anyways... you know, the one you just started... the night before it's due.
5) Don't forget about alcohol.
Never fear, the weekend will come soon enough and your friend alcohol will be there to help celebrate getting through the week.