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The 7 Stages Of Going To A Concert, Told By The Fabulous Brendon Urie

I am literally breathing the same air of the rich and famous.

The 7 Stages Of Going To A Concert, Told By The Fabulous Brendon Urie

It's the start of the new year which means new music and fun times. I for one have many concerts lined up because of outrageous spending for the win out here. In February, I'm going to New Orleans to see Panic! At The Disco. When I first went two years I ago, I went through some rigorous seven stages that all people go through when seeing their favorite musical artist live.

Here it is pictured by the fabulous Brendon Urie.


So, you just dropped some moneybags on concert tickets. At the moment, there's a little hype, but if you're like me, you probably bought them 8 months ago, so when the day of the concert comes rolling, you're probably like: OH! I'm actually going to "XYZ" no freaking way!


Now, you're probably doing your make-up or getting ready, jamming out to every song of this artist possible, and you hop into your car. For my non-city people, the drive to the city is insane. You've got your traffic on the highway, and that one guy who thinks that going under the speed limit is a great idea at the moment. Stage 2 is this finger-tapping, low-key anxious side that something will happen to prevent you from going to the concert. WAIT! Sis, you are going to get there fine.

Forever Lines

The door to the venue hasn't opened yet, but there you are standing in line F-O-R-E-V-E-R it seems. It's the feeling that you are there, but you're not really there because there are just other girls and guys waiting too. You might strangle a person or two. Stage 3 is necessary however for Stage 4 transition.


The doors just opened. It's like a bull herd to the door. Every man for oneself. I hope you printed your ticket out because everyone is trying to get on that cellphone network to open up their ticket too. Then it hits you. You are inside the venue; you are breathing the same air as them. Then the artist opening for your fav says they just performed their last song. Stage 4 is just the build-up for that Stage 5 climax.


Your favorite artist just came on stage. They are popping and jamming, and it just a really good time. You forget about the stress of college and life, and it just you, them, and the music. It's because of Stage 5 we can make it through the awkward first 4.


It's been a couple of hours, and the energy is slowly winding down. It's the beginning to the end. As much as you don't want to let the artist go, you know any second they are going to announce it's their last song for the night. Then they will sing it, and they will disappear from the stage, and all have returned normal.

Remembering it all

You're heading home, and you're sitting in the car remembering it all. How close you were to them, how you could feel the driving force of music, and it's all so surreal. You have video proof that you were there, the picture that you share on social media, but it somehow feels all too real, but it's not the same as stage 1 denial. There is more peace in this last page.

I hope everyone has a wonderful start to the New Years, and I hope you get to go to as many concerts as you would like this year.

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