Oh no... It is that time of year again, and you know exactly what I mean.
It is the school slump.
The workload is increasing just as fast as your motivation is decreasing, and that unstoppable summertime feeling you had just a few weeks ago feels oh so very far away.
And trust me, I know... Abandoning all responsibility is incredibly tempting. But my friends, that is a desire that can be fulfilled another day, or most preferably, never.
Now is not the time to give up.
When life gives you L's, you simply do not stop. You get up and go after that W.
Because thanks to Big Sean, we know that...
It's all about the bounce back.
Inspired? Not surprised. Here. We. Go.
"Look, I woke up in beast mode"
"Leave me 'lone, me on my own though"
"Last night took an L, but tonight I bounce back"
"I done did everything expect worry"
"Never sold my soul, never will never have"
"Don't owe nobody, owe nobody"
"Faith of a mustard seed, I kept growing"
"When you stay that committed to it, you just fall down and never fall off"
"The under dog just turned into the wolf and the hunger steady grows"
And hopefully, with the help of this article...
"If you a real one, then you know how to bounce back!"