Just know that I was you...I am you. At this point in my life, I'm feeling so overwhelmed with everything, and I'm at a point in my life where I have to be sure of everything, because life is coming at me fast. My teenage years are over, and I feel so much pressure to know where I'm planning to go after college, what I want to pursue as a career, if I want to go to graduate school/pre-professional school, when I want to get married, buy a house, have kids, etc. It's all got me asking myself, "What the hell am I doing?"
It just makes me feel like I don't really know myself at all, and I'm always so unsure of myself. Growing up, my mom used to always call me an "in the closet Libra," based on the zodiac sign, because they're said to be really indecisive (this was a joke of course). But that actually was kind of true, because even to this day, I'm so unsure of so many things, I can't even really decide what time I'll shower at, or if I'll even get to shower at that time if I have other more important things to do.
I've tried so hard to really explore myself in different aspects and it just seems like nothing is really going anywhere. I'm thinking pre-professional school, maybe going into a stable workforce, getting married, owning a house, having kids around 27-30, but then my mind starts to wander and I get scared.
But, I think the best thing to do is to look to the world. Honestly, I'm not one of those people who can easily quote different passages of Scripture in times of need, but hey, I'm still learning. There's just something so comforting in knowing that God has got you, and you can always rely on Him, because He has forgiven our sins through Jesus Christ's sacrifice.
I know not everyone takes pride in religious topics, but religion is something that I feel has always been able to put me at ease and allow me to submit to Christ. I wish I could say that the Bible has all the answers and after reading it, all your troubles will fade away but that isn't it at all. The Bible serves as a method of knowing that all your sins are forgiven and that you can fully trust in Christ to look out for you.
I wish I could say I had it all figured out, I really do, but that isn't what this is about. This is about me saying that you all have so much time to figure it all out, or you know what, don't figure it out. Go on a cruise, go climb a mountain, go ride that enormous roller coaster, just promise yourself that you'll be able to live your best life, and remember to always have a smile on your face. Know that the confusion is here so often, but I really do believe in you, you're amazing and you've got this!!!