Pain is one of the many keys to healing. Pain is something that is inevitable. Yet, when utilized correctly, this feeling can yield some of the most valuable life lessons. An Israeli scholar once said, "The wound is the place where the Light enters you."
Often times, people face tragedy and come to a halt. There is a desire to move forward and find the positivity in the hurt, yet no one really knows how to do so. Pain comes with tears, heartbreak, depression, anxiety, etc. However, there is no logical excuse for wallowing in it. It is easy to become overwhelmed by this feeling and allow it to overtake you. Yet, allowing this will lead to a sad demise; a slow degradation of the once joyous existence that we call life. Finding a way to overcome the pain and deciding not to suffer is what truly separates the strong from the weak.
Choosing not to suffer takes a strange balance of emotion and self-accountability. We become so consumed with hiding emotion and being "heartless" that we begin to create an internal wall that disables us from generating a true understanding of what caused our pain. This wall can cause use to abuse things we shouldn't or lash out on those close to us. Emotions are fine only when we can obtain the correct amount of self-control.
With pain comes healing in the appropriate time. With that being said, we must never rush the healing process. Yet, we must know the difference between pain and suffering. Everyone is entitled to the art of grieving, yet you can never expect others to accept the actions that come from suffering.