So here it is. Another school year comes to a close. For some of us that means leaving your college town and venturing off as confused and terrified young adult. For others, we have a bit more time before transitioning into adulthood, but that doesn't mean this year coming to a close is at all easy. College is a strange chapter of our life, a great chapter, which we'll never get to re-experience. As a junior with one college semester left, I can't help but feel a sense of overwhelming nostalgia as I watch my friends graduate. Facing the inevitable reality that, for the most part, these people are going to be scattered across the country and not within a 5 minute walking proximity is a bit too hard to wrap my head around, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way.
I'll miss the memories I've had with these people over the last couple of years. I'll miss my classmates that endured the same amount of stress and confusion along side me. I'll miss the instructors and professors that made my life miserable in efforts to make me better. God, college... Thank you for being a place of endless experiences, good and bad, that have molded us into the young adults we're are and have yet to become. Thank you for showing me paths I've never thought were possible. Thank you for surrounding me with people that have sparked motivation and drive. Thank you for the best couple of years I've yet to experience.
We hear it all the time, "college will be the best four years of your life." And though we really hope this isn’t true, and each chapter of our life will only get better, it’s a bit hard to fathom. So if you have already moved beyond college to bigger things, than embrace the time and unique bonds you had with some very special people. If you’re lucky enough to still have some time left, cherish those moments and don’t let a single one slip past you because it’ll be over before you know it.