We all feel it from time to time. A daunting sadness that makes us feel like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. We can’t be Tigger all the time, now can we? Whenever I feel down in general or have a certain problem on my mind that’s bugging me I have a go-to list of things I like to do to sort of get my head out of the dark clouds and into rainbows and sunshine (well, for the most part).
- Cry it out. Bad advice you say? No sir. Crying or otherwise letting your emotions get the best of (for a few minutes though) is quite relieving. You start to feel less anxious and calm after about 10 minutes. It’s scientifically proven. (And here you thought I was just making it up).
- Take a nap. I find that a nice nap (mine last about 2-4 hours) gets my anxiety down and lets me think clearly and go about my day to try to feel a bit better. The rule goes less than 45 minutes and more than 2 hours. Anything else and you'll feel groggy.
- Drink some tea. My favorite is Earl Grey with Vanilla Soymilk and agave syrup. There’s something nice about having warmth engulf your body from the inside. It’s almost as if you’re sinking into a cloud of calm. Try it out!
- Take a bath. I bring a few magazines, drop a lush bath bomb (Rose, of course), and lather it up with a body smoothie and hair treatment so that I step out feeling like a dolphin. Make sure the water’s warm though. Oh and that you shower beforehand. You don’t want your worries following you into your happy place, do you?
- Listen to music. Any music. Your favorite music. My go to is Kehlani, Kanye, and Chance the Rapper (I have a playlist for times like this. Idea for next post?).
- Write it out. I journal frequently so writing down how I’m feeling lets me not only vent but to look over what I was feeling so that I can change the way I react to things or think up ways to make myself feel better.
- Cuddle with your favorite stuffed animal. Mine are a lion named Tom and a hippo named Ellify. They’re so cute!
But whatever is brining you down just remember that this moment will pass and you will not feel sad forever. You’re so powerful and strong and there are so many people who love you. It’s just a matter of allowing time to heal you. Have a beautiful day hon!
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