Guns: A HUGE conversation in America today.
All around the country this March, students everywhere have been taking part in walkouts for our rights. No matter what you believe about guns being legal or illegal, everyone can agree it is heartbreaking and inhuman that we have lost so many children to guns. So many children that have been shot in their own schools. Dropping your child off at school, a place to learn, has become frightening.
We should NOT have to worry if this will be the last day we see our family, friends, or classmates.
It is inspiring to see the young people of today's world standing up for themselves and the lives lost. There have been 17 school shootings in 2018 and 290 since Sandy Hook in 2013.
Now that I have your attention, on Saturday, March 24th, 2018 at 11 AM, we will all come together and march through Ann Arbor to demand safety. Please join the University of Michigan at Pioneer High School in Ann Arbor. 601 W Stadium Blvd.
Everyone is welcome and is encouraged to go. You want change? Then you need to come and fight for it.
Signs with inspirational messages are encouraged. Another way to show you care is to wear orange for gun violence awareness! This event is accessible for any and all individuals.
I took part in a school “walk out” last week and that is when it hit me. In that moment, I felt inspired and realized no matter what age you are, you can use your voice to make a difference. I have heard people say so many times to young people, “You don’t know about anything, you are just a kid and this is reality.”
Well, guess what? You're right, this is reality, and reality should not be innocent people dying from a weapon that was made in the first place for people to feel safer. Yes, I am just a kid, a 4 foot 11, teenage girl, but I am a human, a human standing up for MY RIGHT to safe education, my right to not being scared to close my eyes at night, and my right to NEVER have to wonder if the lockdown drill at my sister's school is not a drill.
I have a fellow classmate who moved here three years ago from Australia, where guns are banned. She said, and I quote, “I feel safer in Australia, where there are no guns, than I do in America where people have weapons made to protect themselves. When I moved, I was under the impression I would feel safe and protected here, but I have never felt more unsafe in my entire life”
I will see you all this Saturday on March 24th, wearing orange, ready to march for our lives.