It's okay. It's okay not to be okay sometimes. I have always had a habit of being harder on myself than I should be. As the saying goes, "you're your own worst critic". This has proven time and time again to be more than true in my life. However, sometimes it is fine to take a step back from all the bad things you keep bottled up. No one should feel forced to be happy and peppy every minute of every day. Allow yourself the freedom to feel "blah" and take a lazy day. But with this realization and relaxation, you also need to learn control over it. Take a day on the weekend to pig out and lay around in pajamas all day. Spend an entire night crying and venting with friends after a bad break-up. Stop working late one night and enjoy it with your girls. Then after, decide to feel better, feel stronger, feel more empowered, feel happier, and go accomplish something. You see, it is okay not to be okay sometimes, as long as you put a limit on it and get stuff done after.
Yours truly,
A Gal Just Simply Living