The end is approaching which means I will be walking away from a great university with a B.A. in Communication Studies & Dance. What does this mean?
From what I've gathered is all I know how to do is bullshit. I can bullshit why a direct quote answers your question, even though it might not actually answer the question you asked. I can read philosophy and theories and make it seem like I know what is being discussed by pulling direct quotes, then attempting to explain them but redirecting your attention to another philosopher that may or may not have the same point. I can also do all of this within a small timeframe.
I can't help but wonder what good will this do for me? What have I been doing for the past four years?
I feel that I'm leaving college with a craving for more knowledge. I wish I could get seven more degrees, honestly. I wish for a degree in business, graphic design, photography, French, liberal arts studies with an emphasis in sustainability. I have weird interests and I strive to learn more.
Most importantly this is going to be the first time in my life where I have absolutely nothing planned, aside from job searching. All I've ever known is school. My entire life has been planned out for me since I was five. Wake up, school, dance team, dinner, dance studio, sleep, repeat. Then college happened: wake up, class, lunch, homework, class, class, homework, drink, sleep.
What am I to do waking up in my parents home everyday this summer, knowing I'm not preparing for another year of school?
Lately I've been getting really hard on myself for not knowing whats next. I scroll through social media only seeing highlights of my followers lives. Oh look, another girl graduating with an internship or job position already in hand. Oh, here's a boy from my high school accepted to grad school perusing a career in the medical field.
The one thing all graduates need to remember, myself included, is that everyone is different. Some people have opportunities now, others might receive an awesome opportunity in six months. It is the most terrifying swarm of feelings-emotions-mentalities-craziness, but all we can do is go up from here.
So, how I really feel about graduating is bipolar-like. I'm relived knowing for the time being I am done with papers, quizzes, exams, group projects, and worrying about financial aid. I'm terrified feeling like I'm diving head first into the unknown. I'm excited to be out of the classroom. I'm dreading seeing friends and family only to explain to them I have no plans. Overall, I'm very grateful for having the opportunity to even attend a university for four years and all of the life lessons I've learned there.
Good things will come if you put the work in.