“God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.”
Growing up this phrase has rung throughout my head time upon time. I’ve thought about this phrase while battling high and low blood sugars as a result of my Type 1 Diabetes. I’ve thought about this phrase while making the decision of where I wanted to go to college and what I wanted to major in when I was approaching high school graduation. And most recently, I’ve thought about this phrase while trying to comprehend what God wants me to do with my life in the near future.
Compared to so many people, I haven’t hard to make tough decisions. The decisions that seemed to be difficult for me, really weren’t that hard. The situations that life has thrown at me haven’t been terrible. But I know that so many people have been given life-changing decisions or situations and they just want to know why this could be happening and why it’s happening to them. Situations like: Why did I get diagnosed with this disease? Why am I being bullied? Why do my parents not listen to what I’m saying? are situations that come up on a daily basis for many people. It is through looking at these situations and looking through the eyes of others that we can begin to understand why this phrase could be confusing. For people dealing with horrific situations and events that don’t make sense, they may not understand how they are considered to be “the toughest soldiers.”
So what if we, instead, of saying “God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers, we look at this phrase as “God gives his toughest battles to those who most need to rely on HIS strength.”
Take a minute. Think about the changes. What if instead of saying, “God gave me this battle because He knew I could handle it,” we say, “God gave me this battle because He knew that I needed His powerful and everlasting strength to make this decision?” How powerful is this? By changing just a couple words, we are now able to let people know that they are worthy regardless of their situation. This phrase now speaks to everyone who has ever had a challenge or obstacle thrown their way and allows them to see how wonderful this experience and situation can become.
Throughout the past couple weeks, I have come to terms with this: although some soldiers appear to be overly strong, they may be given a tough battle so that God can make his grand entrance and extend a guiding and comforting hand. I fully believe that this is why sometimes life doesn’t make sense. People who are trying to figure out their next move really don’t know what to do because God is waiting for them to ask Him. Of course, not everyone does, but for those who do, GREAT things are to come.