Let's talk breastfeeding because it's always in the news, on social media, and in our everyday lives. Many people feel that breastfeeding should be done in private without an audience. Many feel that it is a woman's right to feed her child freely, because how is breastfeeding any different than bottle feeding? As a mom I can tell you from experience that people are cruel and breastfeeding isn't for the faint of heart.
As a very open and blunt person I had always sworn covers were necessary for breastfeeding and that women should cover up. As a new mom again to my second child, with the ability to breastfeed now, I have found that I feel completely different now. Covers are a nightmare with a wiggly squirmy newborn, however, out of respect for others I try to utilize a cover when feeding my son out in public.
Speaking of breastfeeding in public, why is it so necessary for a woman to hide that she is breastfeeding? Why is breastfeeding so frowned upon in our society? ** Fun fact: There are tribes in Africa where the men actually breastfeed their children while the women hunt ** Why is it okay for a woman to openly bottle feed a child but breastfeeding is an issue? The easy and quick answer is that society today doesn't see breastfeeding as a norm. The more in depth answer is that the female breasts are a sexualized commodity. A female nipple showing simply is inappropriate according our society today.
In society today formula is pushed on so many women that are pregnant that even the thought of breastfeeding can be daunting. Did you know that most formula companies can't even tell you what formula actually does for children? Did you know that formula didn't become a norm until the late 70s early 80s because breastfeeding was common and accepted in our society. Now don't get me wrong I am not doing the, "Breast is best" and anything else is awful and you're a horrible parent. I formula fed (FF) my first child and he is in the top percentiles and advancing faster than any other child his age. My second child is exclusively breast fed (EBF) and he too is staying in the top percentiles thus far. So this is not a debate of Formula or Breast because what matters is that your child is fed.
So why is breastfeeding not for the faint of heart? Well, to be upfront it's because people are cruel. Everyone has an opinion on how you need to care for your child. Everyone has their mind set on where is appropriate to feed your child and so they voice their thoughts. So many hateful people approach breastfeeding mothers and attempt to destroy the bonds between mother and child by making the mother question herself.
After pregnancy women's hormones are still all over the place so women are still extremely vulnerable. Attacking a mother who is simply feeding her child is atrocious. Also, people approach mothers and tell them instead of "whipping their tit out" they should pump into a bottle or go feed in the bathroom. It is not easy to pump! In my personal experience I do not react well to the pump like I do to my child. Many women respond really well while others struggle to even get a drop from their breasts. So simply pumping isn't the answer either.
The answer my fellow Americans is leave mothers be. As long as their child is being fed, is happy, and is healthy and loved you have no say at all in any manner of their life. So before you approach a mother who is feeding her child think and use caution because you may be approaching a hungry tigress. To those EBF or FF keep on because your baby is thriving and that is what matters. Do not allow those around you to put you down and make you feel insufficient. Don't let anyone get under your skin. Feeding your child, being a parent, isn't for the faint of heart.