Ladies, do ever go on a dating app and just immediately start judging the lack of creativity of mens' bios?
Men, if you're looking to meet people, you got to offer a little more than a bland photo and an even more atrocious bio. You're trying to sell yourself, right? If you're stuck in a rut and wondering why things aren't working out for you, here are 8 features you might have in your bio that is deterring you from finding your soulmate:
1. Your picture looks like you took it with a potato
Seriously, it's either really blurry or very pixelated and just not flattering. Why are your camera angles so bad?! This isn't Myspace!
2. You have a picture with a fish
It's great that you have this hobby, but it's ALL we see. We get it, you're a provider and are trying to be manly.
3. You don't have anything written in your bio
If you can't take the time to write something informative about yourself, we're not going to take the time to get to know you. Also, saying "Ask me" or "Add me on Snapchat" doesn't help either.
4. All your pictures are group photos
We're not going to spend 15 minutes trying to click through and figure out which one is you. That's too much work. If I wanted to play "Guess Who," I would get it from my closet and invite my friends over for game night, oh, and you're not invited.
5. You have an overused quote, most likely from "The Office"
" The Office" is an amazing (duh) show, but the whole "I'm looking for the Pam to my Jim" is way overused.
6. All your pictures are far away or you have sunglasses on in every photo
We can't really see your face nor can we see your eyes. Do you have something to hide? WHO ARE YOU?
7. You're not smiling
Life isn't always that serious, show us what your smile looks like. Or do you not like to smile because you're actually a serial killer?
I mean, men always like to tell us women to smile all the time. I think it's our turn now.
8. You say "you're just trying to meet new people"
OK, but you're on a dating app, emphasis on dating, so tell me how that makes sense. Why don't you join Bumble BFF?