History has consistently taught us that women are inferior to men and that we have always had a hard time being heard and respected. This has not changed, and it is still relevant in today's modern society. Women are still struggling to be appreciated by their male counterparts in the workplace as well as in stores and on college campuses. We want our ideas to be perceived and spread and taken under consideration.
The Stanford rape case has disgusted me ever since I saw the face of Brock Turner and the story of what happened when it popped up on my Twitter feed. At first, I disregarded it and did not look at it immediately. As I saw his face more and more as I scrolled through, I decided to open it and read it. I could not believe that someone would treat another human being the way he used and abused the victim. She was completely unconscious and in no way could give her consent to the horrible act.
As a result of the highly-publicized court case, he has received little to no jail time, thanks to his wealthy, influential father. From my perspective, I do not think that any amount of jail time will undo anything that he did, nor will it make the life of the victim go back to normal. Many people's lives have been changed completely by that one ignorant act.
This is just one story of rape out of the thousands that happen every year and around the world. Many of these cases go unreported on college campuses as well as on the streets, because women feel as if they are to blame and shame of what happened. Women have to be worried about walking alone at night, while a man has no worries at all. We as females have to be afraid of being taken in a grocery store or who knows where else. A movie such as "Taken" does not help to lessen the fear but actually heightens them and causes a growing fear of traveling by ourselves. Sure, he gets his daughter back, but most of time time, those missing signs are not taken down.
I do not want to have to be afraid to walk around at night on my college campus. I want to be able to let my guard down and not always have to keep my eyes open and on alert. I do not think that this is possible because there are people exactly like Brock Turner who have no problem taking advantage of women. It is not fair to the girl who wanted to have a fun time out with her sister or to the other thousands of girls who never thought that they would become a victim themselves. It is very sad that one gender thinks they have a dominance over the other.
I am not saying that the world is all bad or that no girl is safe; I am just saying that it is not acceptable for females to not be heard or taken advantage of.