Finding yourself at a crossroads is one of the most natural parts of life. So then why do I stall at the idea of making a choice? It's not so much a fear of making the decision itself, I fear making the wrong decision. I think most people would agree with me when I say that the last thing I want is to live my life with regret.
Overthinking is definitely my greatest weakness. When presented with a major life decision I think of every possible scenario, every possible outcome. I pick everything apart and rack my brain for answers. I resort to asking my closest friends and family for advice, sometimes even wishing they could make the decisions for me because it would make life a whole lot easier.
In all honesty there's nothing you can really do to eliminate the risk that comes with making a choice. You just have to take all the information you have available at that point and make your best judgement. This decision is what you thought was best at this particular point in time and you should never linger on it.
So don't fear making a decision. Choose to embrace the opportunities you have and the freedom to decide for yourself. Life is a series of decisions, and believe me when I say that no choice will ever be wrong when you learn how to trust yourself and your own instincts.