FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is something that a lot of college students, or just anyone, suffers from. Feeling the need to go to every party every weekend, other wise you will miss something amazing. I am here to tell you that FOMO is nothing to be afraid of. If we are being honest with ourselves, every party is the same.
You show up, talk to the same people, listen to the same music, and then leave. Nine out of ten parties are the same, and if you miss one, I promise that next weekend there will be one just like it.
I do not have bad FOMO, most of the time I don't have any at all. For the people out there with the sever cases of FOMO, remember that sometimes taking a night in is exactly what you need. You can catch up on your sleep and Netflix, and can even go out the next night. A night in every once and awhile gives you some time to just get your life together. You feel so refreshed the next day that sometimes you even wonder why you go out.
Don't get me wrong, I love to go out too, but sometimes you just need a break. Not every weekend requires a crazy party every night. Know your limits, when you start to feel sick, or just tired, take a break! No one will judge you for taking one weekend off.
Just because you are spending a weekend in, does not mean you have to spend it alone. Find a friend who wants to stay in too! The things you can do are endless. You could start a new Netflix series together, you could watch your favorite movie, you could stalk ex-boyfriends, or even potential boyfriends, on social media. The options are really endless.
Do not let others make you feel bad for not going out either, it is your choice. It is entirely up to you if you want to go out or not. If you want to go out five days a week, be my guest. If you want to stay in for a weekend, and catch up on sleep, do it, I dare you. Everyone has to make these choices for themselves, no one should make them for you. Do you what you know if right for you.
Just remember, if you miss this weekend’s parties, there will be almost the exact same party next weekend, and the one after that. Take some time for you, and just chill.