Favorite Movie: A Star Is Born | The Odyssey Online
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Some Favorites of 2018

A year well spent.


2018 brought a lot of experiences, events, and memories that have made this year one to remember. It's especially odd, though, to see how far I've grown in just a year. I mean, looking back to January, I never thought I'd come this far mentally, academically, or spiritually. It's easy to minimize just how long a year really is; but when put into perspective, it's clear that 365 days really is enough to change a person. This article is not based upon reflection, though, mostly because I could fill an entire book with stories about this year. Rather, I'm writing this article to highlight my favorite songs, movies, and all around moments of 2018!

Favorite Album: Sweetener by Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande SweetenerAriana Grande

Released towards the end of August, this album helped ring in the new semester for my roommate and I. We knew every word to every song by the end of the first week of classes. The album acted as a major pump-up playlist when pampering ourselves to go to the city, to a party, or even just to class. Sweetener solidified my love for Ariana Grande as a singer, as a celebrity, and as a role model.

Favorite Song: The Middle by Zedd

This was an extremely hard one to choose, considering how much music I listen to music on a day-to-day basis (AND considering John Mayer's release of his latest single "New Light"). My "Top Songs of 2018" playlist was a huge help, though, thanks to Spotify. I chose this song because it was probably the most played song of the spring semester for my friends and I. The popular track, which was released in January, carried over into every summer playlist and continues to be the perfect dance-party song.

Favorite Movie: A Star Is Born

This tear-jerker will remain one of my favorites for years to come. It was hard for me to not also choose this soundtrack as my favorite album, especially after listening to it on repeat for weeks after the premiere of the movie. But, it definitely falls into the "favorite movie" category for me. I was beyond impressed with Lady Gaga's voice (which is an obvious jaw-dropper), her acting, and Bradley Cooper's amazing contributions as well. The plot created a touching message, so much so that I haven't heard of anyone who has disliked the movie since it was released!

Favorite Trip: Ireland 

My family loves traveling, despite the chaos that comes with a family of seven flying eight hours to a different continent. We enjoyed a week in Ireland in May, visiting family who showed us the not-so-touristy spots of Kinsale and the Dingle Peninsula. Despite my family's usual string of bad luck, we enjoyed beautiful weather the entire week, with little rain, which was surprising considering our location.

Favorite Concert: Taylor Swift Reputation Stadium Tour

Although I attended the Global Citizen Festival, with amazing performers like Shawn Mendes, Cardi B, and John Legend, and saw T-Pain perform at Fordham's Spring Weekend concert, my favorite music experience of 2018 was Taylor Swift's Reputation Tour. Taylor Swift has been a huge idol for me, my sisters, and even my mom! We enjoyed second row seats at her Red Tour, sang our hearts out during her 1989 Tour, and danced in the rain during her Reputation Tour. Taylor Swift creates an authentic, inspirational, and awe-struck atmosphere during every one of her concerts. Not only are her songs so enjoyable to sing along to, but her stage presence, lighting, special effects, and dancers make the show extra special.

Favorite Holiday: 19th Birthday

My 19th birthday, though a seemingly irrelevant number, turned out to be one of my favorites yet! My amazing friends surprised me with balloons, presents, and a celebratory dinner in the city! An edible arrangement from my family surprised me at the front door of my dorm, giving me some much needed chocolate covered fruit! It was a great beginning to my nineteenth trip around the sun.

Favorite Summer Memory: Cape Cod With Friends

Every year my family vacations to Cape Cod, Massachusetts for some much needed beach time and bonding time. This past summer, however, we upgraded our annual trip to include all of our friends! Our house was packed and our hearts were full as we vacationed with roommates, friends, and cousins for an entire week. It was definitely worth the cramped sleeping quarters and the extra sandy floors to spend time with family and friends in our favorite summer spot.

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