Favorite Photographers On Youtube | The Odyssey Online
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Favorite Photographers On Youtube

Sharpen your photo skills and find your style by watching others.

Favorite Photographers On Youtube

YouTube has always been an online resource for me to learn from others. Despite all the drama between content creators, I believe that when it is used correctly that people can find support within the networks their associated in. I was recently taught that the photographer industry is small, so learning from others is super important.

As a beginner photographer, I turned to my favorite social media platform to learn a few tips and tricks:

1. Sorelle Amore

Sorelle was already mentioned in another YouTube article of mine about travel. Her advanced selfie series help photographers at all level to see themselves as beautifully as they see others. She has videos on posing and simple photo composition.

2. Jessica Kobeissi

Jessica Kobeissi is a fashion and portrait photographer with a fun series called "Photographers Shoot The Same Model." She introduces and promotes other people's work, creating a supportive community of online photographers and influencers.

3. Sawyer Hartman

He is more on the influencer side of the spectrum, but puts out quality content and explains how he does it through his videos. He also teaches about growing his viewers' social media presence. He has more than an interesting life to share.

4. Peter McKinnon

Peter McKinnon is a professional photographer and cinematographer. His videos are more technical and compare camera gear and technique to create higher quality media. He is down to earth and loves to demonstrate what each part of a camera and production changes.

5. Bran Woelfel

I found Bran Wolf through a "Photographers Shoot The Same Model" episode and his edits really stood out to me. His style is very whimsical, bright, and colorful. He shares his secrets and process online for everyone to recreate.

6. Jordan Matter

Jordan Matter has a fun series called "10 Minute Photo Challenge" where he runs around with his subject in public places and tries to get as many interesting shots as he can within a time frame. He makes working under pressure seem fun and unstressful, a skill most photographers need to develop.

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