1. You’re my best friend
I can tell you anything and you can tell me anything. You are always available to complain to or cry to. We are on the same wavelength with everything and you get my references. You give the best advice and life could never be boring with you!
2. You’re never afraid to share your opinion
Whether it’s about my outfit, a boy, or something I am trying to figure out, you are never afraid to stand up and tell me that I am (sometimes) wrong. I should save myself the frustration and listen to you in the first place because you are usually right because you always have my best interests at heart.
3. You can make me laugh like no one else can
Whether it is a story you’re telling me about you and your friends, quoting SNL or something you did that is ridiculous, you make me smile until my mouth hurts and laugh until I am doubled over.
4. You are smarter than I will ever be
Your extensive knowledge about movies, history and space/astronomy never fails to impress me or teach me something new.
5. You’re always willing to help me out with whatever I need
“Will you help me put the clothes in the dryer?” “Will you get my phone charger from my room?” “Will you go to the mall with me to pick something up?” You’re not always enthusiastic about what we are doing, but you’re always there for me even if it is the most trivial thing in the world.
6. You’re outgrowing me
Even when I was looking down at you, I was looking up to you
7. You’re the best chef
Pancakes, French toast, Waffles, Eggs – any breakfast food - Wolfgang has nothing on you. You make the best food, breakfast is obviously your specialty, and it is seriously delicious.
8. Your hugs
Your hugs can alter any bad mood into a good one instantaneously.
9. Who you are
Example; The level of concentration you have filling out a scorecard at Met games and yelling at me for trying to talk to you while you do it, is the epitome of who you are and I wouldn’t change a thing about you.
10. Your Passion
Your drive and natural curiosity to learn new things continues to amaze me. From when you were 5 years old and was asking what a yawn was, to learning how to play 7 instruments (practicing almost every day!!!!!) and being in the honors program, watching you grow up and helping you along the way has been one of the greatest privileges and honors of my life. You’re the best gift I’ve ever been given. With everything you do, you never fail to inspire me and make me the proudest sister in the world!