What Does Your Favorite State College Bar Say About You? | The Odyssey Online
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What Does Your Favorite State College Bar Say About You?

Frats are a thing of the past.

What Does Your Favorite State College Bar Say About You?

Once you turn 21, State College bars are the place to be. Apartment parties, socials at frats and dorm drinking are things of the past.

Downtown State College has many different bars that please all the legal drinkers. With so many options, it might be hard to have just one favorite. However, if you are lucky enough to have a favorite, what does your choice say about you?


You like to dance. Plain and simple. You enjoy the "club-like" atmosphere that Indigo has to offer. You know that if you want to go to Indigo on Thursday, you either have to get a pre-sale ticket or beat the crowd by going very early. Those $1 teas on Thursdays are both a blessing and a curse.

The Shandygaff

Either you are a smoker or don't mind the smell of smoke. The Gaff, for short, is the place to be on Wednesdays and you know that. Gaff-eoke is one of your favorite forms of entertainment. Whether you are partaking in the singing or laughing at drunk people embarrassing themselves, you enjoy it while downing $6 liquor pitchers.

Bill Pickle’s Tap Room

Are you in Greek Life? If Pickle's is your favorite bar, then the answer is 99 percent yes! You know that if you go to Pickle's, you are bound to run into someone you've made out with at a fraternity. Even when you go to school with 40,000 students, Pickle's almost guarantees that you will run into a few people you know each time you are there.

Café 210 West

You definitely are a day drinker. You don't mind skipping class in the spring if the weather is gorgeous. Who needs that A when you can have a tea pitcher outside with all your best friends?

The All-American Rathskeller

You like to drink, but not get too crazy. Commonly referred to as Skeller, here you always have a great night with friends while bumping into quite a few townies.

The Lion’s Den

You are the life of the party. In your friend group, you love to spice things up. Whether that's calling for a round of shots or starting a dance circle, you want everyone to have fun.

Mad Mex

Tequila! You live for tequila. If you haven't traveled to Mexico, then it's surely on your bucket list. Mad Mex Monday is your favorite day of the week. You know that if you start the week of with a couple margaritas, then your week will (at the worst) be subpar.

The Saloon

You live for Monkey Boys. Despite the awful hangovers, you love Saloon! You don't care that you'll never know what's in a Monkey Boy. You go on Thursdays and know that you and your friends will have a great time. When My Hero Zero plays, you make sure to stand right up at the front and sing along to all the cover songs they play. Casually playing pool is also something you enjoy.

The Phyrst

You love when people turn 21! It gives you an excuse to go to Phyrst. You can always be seen there during Happy Hour no matter what day of the week it is. You also enjoy bands and dark places.

Primanti Bros.

Do you like sports? The answer is obviously yes. Primanti's, sometimes referred to as P-Man since replacing Gingerbread Man, offers a view of a TV wherever you are seated. If a big game is on, you know to get there early to avoid the crowd. However, you don't mind waiting in line because you always have a good time there.


Did I forget to include your favorite State College bar? Well, this just means you aren't mainstream. You don't get FOMO. You do what makes you happy. Whatever your favorite bar is, you enjoy it. Even if it isn't the "place to be," that doesn't bother you.

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