What Your Favorite Starbucks Order Says About You
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What Your Favorite Starbucks Order Says About You

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What Your Favorite Starbucks Order Says About You

It's safe to say that almost every one of us has been to Starbucks at some point in our lives. Before you learned exactly how everything works, you probably tried everything on the menu, either by choice or by accident.

Either way, you’ve been enough times that you now have a favorite drink order. But what exactly does that drink say about you? Let's find out...

1. Americano

You are a caffeine connoisseur who appreciates the rich flavor of a full-bodied espresso without the added hype of sugar, foam or milk. You wake up early and you come in at the same time every day with newspaper and magazine in hand.

2. Double shot of Espresso

You are on a schedule -- a tight, tight schedule. You need a drink that's fast and to the point. Waiting in line is so not your style, which is evident in the way you repeatedly stamp your Louboutin-encased toe, as if that is going to make the line move any faster.

3. Blond Roast

You’re traditional in every way. Sometimes, you feel like the majority of the drinks served here belong in a carnival – even ice is too much of a change for you. You’re mellow and prefer the simpler things in life, like watching the sun rise and set from the balcony of your cottage-esque apartment.

4. Cold Brew

You’re not into waiting for your coffee to cool down, but you’re not hard enough to drink an espresso infused latte, so cold coffee it is. You’re wearing a navy blue windbreaker and a baseball cap to match.

It’s not fashionable, but it’s definitely practical, which is pretty much your middle name.

5. Pumpkin Spice Latte

You have a fancy iPhone app counting down to the exact minute the PSL is available. Fall is your favorite season, and the return of the PSL equals Fall, duh. All of your friends call you basic, but you couldn’t care less, because the PSL is obviously delicious.

And, you’re definitely Instagramming the hell out of it right now.

6. Cotton Candy Crème Frappuccino Blended Crème

You actually HATE coffee. The only reason you came today was because your friend likes it here and you know she can’t live without coffee, so you deal with it.

This drink, though... There's something about it that brings out your bubbly personality even more. Plus, it’s pink!

7. Skinny Hazelnut Latte

You definitely have a sweet tooth, but ordering sugary drinks makes you feel completely guilty about the neverending diet you’ve been on for the past three years. So, in hopes of not ingesting too much sugar, you order the non-fat, no sugar added, skinny latte.

People look at you in a condescending way because you’ve also grabbed a cookie with your nonfat semi-healthy drink choice, but you really DGAF because it’s been a long day at the office.

In your mind, you totally deserve this cookie, not only because of the low-fat drink choice, but because you've worked your a** off today.

8. Iced Caramel Macchiato

You’re completely aware that this drink is not even close to what a realmacchiato is, but you order it anyway, because it is amazing. It’s sweet with just the right amount of kick to get you going. Plus, it’s totally Instagram worthy, every time.

9. Vanilla Latte

You're the opposite of complicated. You’re secretly sophisticated. And you like to keep things on the DL. So you smile while holding your wallet because you know you’re wearing Banana Republic boxer briefs and have some of Nietzsche’s greatest works tucked away in your genuine leather messenger bag.

You like things to be simple, but high-quality, which is why you choose to order a Grande Vanilla Latte each time you come to Starbucks.

You’ve thought about changing it up a bit, but in your mind it’s more of an “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” kind of situation.

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