Dear best friend,
I've been trying to figure out how to write this letter to you for a while now. Trying to figure out how to put everything a big sister should tell her little sister into words. Putting your years of struggle and pain into encouraging words for your future. Making sure to say all of the right things so that you have something to reference to as days go on.
I'm so thankful for you. Man, have we had a rough time growing up? The fights, the yelling, the tears, the "Don't take the remote or my spot.", the Walmart runs, the deep conversations, and all of the laughs. I grew up thinking that we would never be friends. I grew up expecting to hate you and rarely talk to you, but now I look forward to your phone calls. I look forward to seeing you and spending time with you. I look forward to watching you grow and navigate your way through this college life.
Stop worrying about what others think. God created you in His image. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Don't let society tear you down because you are exactly who you should be. Focus on being healthy and happy. Others' judgments are of no concern when you focus on yourself and yourself only.
Don't compare yourself to others. We all are different. We grow up differently and everyone is made in unique ways. You have so many characteristics about you that people envy, just like you envy others, but stop focusing on them. Love the body that you're in because no one else is like you.
Get sleep, exercise, and eat healthy. I'm terrible at these sometimes, but it is truly so important. I am my best when I do all three of these. You will feel better and perform better.
Stop worrying about paying for school. What I've learned is that it always works out. The bills will be paid, the books will be bought, and school will continue on. Taking out a small loan here and there is not terrible. I'd much rather you take out a loan to pay back later rather than have to quit school because you cannot afford it.
Work hard. I know that it's exhausting. I know that it takes everything to keep getting up and going to work and class. You will learn so much from the discipline that college brings. Get up. Go to class. Go to work. The hustle will be so worth it.
Love with your whole heart. Don't be scared to let people in. Show people who you are and don't be afraid to be yourself. Letting hate run your life does nothing for you. The more you love people, the more people will love you. When you have a positive attitude, people notice and will flock to you.
Trust that the Lord has everything in his hands and will work everything out for your good. Trust in the Lord. With everything you have, He will guide you and give you strength.
Stop caring about the way boys treat you. If they choose another girl over you, he is not meant for you. If a guy does not see how truly awesome and beautiful you are, he is not worth your stress, your hate, or your time. Let it go.
Stop allowing boys to decide your worth. You are worthy. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of peace. You are worthy of affection. One day, someone will walk into your life and you'll realize what God's been planning for your life all along.
You're bright. You're worthy. You're able. You're so incredibly strong. You're beautiful; inside and out. You're stubborn. You're caring and kind. You're personable. You're unique.
Keep striving to be the best version of you that you can be. Learn from my mistakes. Keep growing.
Love you brat,
Your [Least] Favorite Big Sis