5 Quotes From Our Favorite Shows that Teach Us About Life | The Odyssey Online
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5 Quotes From Our Favorite Shows that Teach Us About Life

Don't be ashamed of the binge watching! Embrace it!

5 Quotes From Our Favorite Shows that Teach Us About Life

I have been a binge-watcher for as long as I can remember and I have to say, I’m not ashamed. Are you going to tell me you haven’t binged your fair share? I know it seems like these shows can be just pointless TV, trying to entertain us while we are procrastinating instead of doing work, but I have to say I’ve learned a lot from the series’ I’ve watched. So here it is, my list of the best quotes from my favorite shows.

1. "Grey's Anatomy"

"Just when we think we figured things out, the universe throws us a curveball. So, we have to improvise. We find happiness in unexpected places. We find ourselves back to the things that matter the most. The universe is funny that way. Sometimes it just has a way of making sure we wind up exactly where we belong."

This was actually my High School yearbook quote. I guess ominous sayings of fictional characters was my 18-year-old thing. I mean come on, can’t you just hear Meredith’s voice? It just gives you all the feels and gives us hope in some of our darkest times.

2. "One Tree Hill"

“It’s the oldest story in the world. One day you’re seventeen and planning for someday. And then quietly and without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And that someday is yesterday. And this is your life.”

If you’re a fan of this show, you know this line like the back of your hand. A young Nathan Scott coming at you with wise words you really didn’t think he had in him. Makes you want to get things accomplished in your life, right?

3. "90210"

“I don’t have to care about what you or anybody else thinks, because I am good enough exactly as I am”

Talk about female empowerment. We all know Naomi Clarke’s high school experience wasn’t exactly “normal” and I wouldn’t say the girl was really “nice.” But this quote is awesome. We could all take a cue here. Wouldn’t it be great if we could all be like that? Women, kicking ass and taking names! And not giving a damn what anyone else thinks!

4. "Friday Night Lights"

I could stick with the obvious choice “clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.” A true inspiration to us all. But instead let’s go with something else Coach Taylor threw out at us throughout the 5 amazing seasons we spent with him.

“You get one chance in life, fellas. You can either take advantage of it, or you can piss it away. You do the latter, and you’re gonna regret it the rest of your lives.”

I’m just going to hope that by “fellas” he also means all you lovely ladies watching this show. He reaches for the heart and makes you feel empowered! We need to work for what we want and when we succeed it will feel so good!

5. "The Vampire Diaries"

“The first rule of truly living- do the thing you're most afraid of.”

Now this is probably easier to execute when you are a vampire with some advantages like… umm… I don’t know, immortality? But this can also apply to the run of the mill human too. When you challenge yourself to do the unimaginable, the thing you fear the most, incredible things can happen! So get out there and get it done!

So that’s my top 5, what are yours? Maybe living your best life can start on the advice you heard in your favorite show. These have certainly influenced me. Keep these quotes close to your heart and take a page out of their playbooks. Now go out there and make things happen for yourself.

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