As an aunty you have a lot more responsibility than you think. Even though this child isn’t technically yours, the moment you look into their eyes you love them as if they were. I am an aunt of six children. Six children with all different personalities. Some that I might click better with than others. However, they all have my full heart. My favorite part about being an aunt is getting to love these children like they are my own. Even though sometimes I cannot stand them and need a break. That is the best part of loving a child like your own you get to give them back when they become to overwhelming.
My nephews and niece’s refer to me as “Titi Darisa”. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard myself being called this. I have been called this for them to get my attention, to feed them, change their diapers, and to simply just leave them alone. No matter how bad my day is I cannot feel horrible while they are around. Sometimes by just the way they look directly into my eyes I just can’t do anything but smile. They motivate me to be a role model for them. Since I am only 20 years old and most of them aren’t babies anymore they are learning about the real world. They are dealing with things that are more serious than just “kid” things. I feel like since I am not viewed as an adult by most of them that they do look up to me more than others. I have to show them how to be strong, honest, independent, hard working, and loving.
I am extremely grateful that I am so close in age to these kids. They open up to me and talk to me about wildests and deepest things. Getting to know that you are a role model to someone is so self reassuring. It is an inspiration to be the best that you can be. It gives you sunshine on cloudy day. It gives you someone to love when you feel like you have nothing. It gives me the opportunity to help someone into this world. Being an aunt also prepares you for the future. It teaches you skills about raising a child that you don’t get without having hands on experience with an individual who 100% relies on you. Also, being an aunt can be extremely stressful. Kids themselves can be a handful. Sometimes I have a hard time knowing what to do when my niece or nephew acts up or doesn’t listen. I am not with them all 24/7. I do not know what to do always because I haven’t been in every single possibly situation. No matter how much they might frustrate me, my love for them would never fade.
A niece or nephew is a blessing. A blessing that a lot of people do and don’t get to be apart of. A child can shine a lot of light onto a family. My nieces and nephews light up our whole families world. We’d never want to want to replace them and are more than grateful that they were given to our family.