The Best Sports Moments Of 2016 | The Odyssey Online
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The Best Sports Moments Of 2016

A look into my top three favorite sports moments of the past year.

The Best Sports Moments Of 2016

2016 was one for the books in the sports world. Every year seems to one-up the its predecessor in amazing fashion. Lets take a look at some of the great moments that the world got to see this year.

To no surprise of those who know me, my absolute favorite moment of sports in 2016 was the Pittsburgh Penguins winning the Stanley Cup over the San Jose Sharks in game 6 by a 3-1 score. Being a huge fan of all things Pittsburgh this was big for me. If someone would have told me at the beginning of the season that the Pens would've won the cup i would have thought they were crazy. They hired a new head coach and completely remade their roster and as you can see - it worked.

I didn't think these would be hard to pick from but they are, number two - The Chicago Cubs win the world series and end the curse. They did it in great fashion too. After 108 years the Cubs took Cleveland to game seven and defined the whole nerve wracking series in a game which included an extra inning, a rain delay, and took over four hours. Cubs fans, fear no more.

Coming in at third and taking the bronze medal are the 2016 Rio Olympics. From Ryan Lochte's fabricated story of being robbed at a gas station, to everyone thinking that the Olympics might not happen because of everything happening in Rio, like body parts washing up on the beach and that pool water changing colors, to Michael Phelps yet again setting new records. Phelps (a Maryland native like myself) held his title of the most decorated Olympian and added to his collection which now in total has 23 gold medals.

Picking just three moments was not easy and surely there were a number of other moments that could have made the cut. With all the great ones of 2016, 2017 is sure to be cut out for a great year of sports.

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