My Favorite Mexican Food And Why You Should Try It | The Odyssey Online
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My Favorite Mexican Food And Why You Should Try It

Switch it up to something besides tacos.

My Favorite Mexican Food And Why You Should Try It
@micocinarapida via Instagram

When people want Mexican food, they usually go for the stereotypical foods like tacos, burritos, and margaritas. Unfortunately, by following this trend, they miss out on so many other amazing dishes that I think are so much better than the foods previously mentioned. These following three dishes will make you rethink Mexican food and will hopefully encourage you to explore everything else Mexican culture has to offer!

To start, I would like to introduce to you Pozole. If you haven't heard of this before, its like the most heartwarming soup you will ever have (in my opinion). Pozole is a savory soup made from hominy (dried maize kernels), with your choice of meat, seasoned to your liking, garnished with shredded cabbage, chile sauce, finely diced onion, radishes, avocado, and lime. Pozole is typically served on big holidays like Thanksgiving and New Year's but is equally as popular at birthdays and weddings. Vital note: if you have leftover pozole and you're worried it won't taste as good the next day, don't worry! Pozole tastes just as good, if not better the next day. Basically, Pozole is like the John Legend of soups; classic, wholesome and heartwarming.

Next, we have Tamales. Mexican Tamales are like the advanced version of hot pockets, made of masa (dough), filling of your choice (my personal favorite is spinach, queso Oaxaca and a few slices of charbroiled jalapenos), then wrapped and steamed in a corn husk. The corn husk can be discarded before eating, or it can be used as a plate to eat the tamale. They can also go from being savory to sweet with a slight change of ingredients, which pairs great with coffee or canela! Tamales are typically served on Christmas and Día de la Candelaria(Candlemas Day) but are also equally as popular in large or small gatherings. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to step up their hot pocket game or anyone who just enjoys portable foods at a great price.

Lastly, we have Elotes Preparados (which directly translates to prepared corn). Elotes Preparados is a popular street food in Mexico, made with steamed sweet corn that sits on a stick as the handle, then spread with a layer of mayonnaise, crema, chili powder, a sprinkling of cheese and a bit of lime. It's a popular snack that people enjoy at all time from their lunch break to large festivals. This dish makes eating vegetables great, it's creamy, has a kick of spice and a slightly acidic from the lime. I highly recommend this snack during a day by the lake, at a cookout, or literally anywhere because it's that good. Enjoy!

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