It's a known fact that every Berkeley student has a favorite coffee shop. Here's what our favorites say about us.
Peet's Coffee
You like to take your coffee to-go.Your favorite drink? Obviously the black tie. You wouldn't be caught dead holding a Starbucks cup because it's too mainstream for you. In reality, though, you're only slightly less basic than Starbucks drinkers.
Ah, Starbs. You love to hate it. Your order varies by season because Starbs knows every basic person needs a basic drink to match the season! The signature cup is a staple in your wardrobe and you're proud of it.
Caffe Strada
You're a sit and enjoy kind of coffee drinker. Nothing beats sipping a coffee while enjoying the beautiful weather of Berkeley and finishing that ten page paper due tomorrow.
Philz Coffee
If you're willing to go this far for coffee, it better be fantastic, and honestly, it is. You take pride in drinking Philz and know that even though it may take a little while to get there, it's always worth it. Peet's and Starbucks drinkers are all the same to you: basic.
Yali's Café
You first got hooked when you saw the mini-version of this coffee shop on campus. then, you discovered a bigger and better one on Oxford Street. You like your coffee straight and don't need any fancy syrups to make it good. Just an espresso for you.
Small Miscellaneous Coffee Shops
You don't mess around with your coffee. People may think their favorite coffee shops have the best coffee, but you know that your hole in the wall coffee shop has the best coffee in Berkeley and you're proud of it.