What Your Favorite Ben And Jerry's Flavor Says About Your Personality | The Odyssey Online
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What Your Favorite Ben And Jerry's Flavor Says About Your Personality

Who needs personality tests when your ice cream preference says it all?

What Your Favorite Ben And Jerry's Flavor Says About Your Personality

With Ben and Jerry's imaginative flavors and even more imaginative names, it's impossible to resist those tantalizing pints that sit in the freezer of every grocery and convenience store. It almost seems like each pint has it's own personality, ranging from the sweet to the quirky to the crazy. Read further to see what your favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor says about who you are as a person.

Phish Food:

There may be many ‘phish’ in the sea, but Phish Food addicts are one of a kind. The quintessential hipster, they revel in listening to only obscure music, drinking out of mason jars, and doing things ‘before they’re cool.’ Self-described free spirits, Phish Food aficionados can be at one place in one moment and gone the next. Don’t worry though, just promise them unlimited pints and they’ll come running back soon enough, filled with crazy stories to share.

Chunky Monkey:

Chunky Monkey fanatics are the wild ones. Always laughing and cracking jokes, they know there’s always time to ‘monkey around.’ They have boundless energy and are always ready for the next activity. The jester of the group, they’ll do anything for a laugh-anything, that is, except for giving up their favorite pint of Ben and Jerry’s.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough:

Some say Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough fans never branch out past their favorite flavor. However, they know better than that. Why mess with perfection? These folks know what they like and stick with it. Not the most adventurous, Cookie Dough followers hate change and prefer the cozy routine Suburban life. They’re steady and reliable, and can always be trusted.

Cherry Garcia:

Just like the ice cream, Cherry Garcia enthusiasts tend to fly under the radar. Naturally introverted, they tend to fade into the background in large groups. Nevertheless, among those that know them, they have an almost cult-like following. That’s probably because they’re slightly quirky and sweet to the core. These people couldn’t hurt a fly. They’re friendly, sweet, and sacrificial to a fault. If you're worth it, they may go as far as giving you a taste from their coveted pint.

Half Baked:

Probably the most decadent and beloved flavor produced by Ben and Jerry’s, Half Baked has a following of people almost as popular as the flavor itself. Natural people pleasers, they're constantly the center of attention. There are some who consider them too loud and obnoxious. However, most people are amazed at their sickeningly sweet and friendly disposition. Just like Half Baked, these groupies will sweep you off your feet with their natural charisma and charm.

Chocolate Therapy:

Chocolate Therapy lovers are single-focused and driven. They go all in or not at all. Though they initially may seem unmotivated, you need only figure out their passion to see an unimaginable fervor and intensity. When they find something they like, they want as much of it as possible. That’s why their chosen flavor contains not only chocolate flavored ice cream, but also chocolate cookies and a chocolate pudding swirl. Now that’s a lot of chocolate!

Salted Caramel Core:

Salted Caramel Core junkies go through life like a roller coaster. They’re in it for the ups and downs, the sweet and salty. Some say they’re pessimistic, but they swear they’re simply being realistic. It’s easy to take offense to their dry and sometimes negative comments, but know they really do mean well. One thing these folks will never have a pessimistic comment on, however, is their unadulterated love for their go-to pint: Salted Caramel.

At the end of the day, however, it doesn't matter what flavor is your favorite. What does matter is that that pint is there for you on your saddest days and your happiest days. Thanks Ben and Jerry's, for making the world's first edible bandage for wounds of all shapes and sizes. We love you.

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