The 100 is a vastly underrated show entering its fourth season on the CW. There is a book that it is loosely based off, though it was published after the first season, so I am not really sure how that works. The plot doesn't always make a lot of sense, like in season two episode ten when a random gorilla shows up? #HarambeLives? The 100 has a slightly strange following, but passionate about the show all the same. This is what your favorite character says about you:
1. Clarke
Okay. So you're predictable af, but that's okay. Clarke always does what is best for her people, and in theory, so would you. In every Sorting Hat quiz, you get Gryffindor. Kind of an art hoe, and definitely into white feminism. Princess has never been a compliment to you.
2. Bellamy Blake
You were probably a jock in high school. Or really into the jocks in high school. You're super overprotective of any siblings you have, and there will be hell to pay for anyone who tries to go against you.
3. Finn
Late to the game. When you love someone, you love them hard. You would even die for this person. You're super cute, but damn do you have a crazy side.
4. Raven
I am not one to judge, but you probably have daddy issues and mommy issues. If Bellamy has a chip on his shoulder, you have a boulder. You major in something STEM-related and focus more on your next exam than any guy following after you. You don't want recognition for your work, you just want to do your work without idiots interrupting you.
5. Octavia
6. Jasper
Much like Jasper, you're a stoner. Not a stoner in the skater-punk-rock way, but like that one nerdy kid in the back of the class that low-key grows pot in his closet. You would follow your friends to the end of the Earth, even if you know it is wrong and totally dumb.
7. Lexa
You got that whole warrior-princess vibe. Even when your mascara smears half way down your face it looks just the way it should be. You might be heartless, but you're smart. You have a thing for blondes. No candle is safe around you.
8. Lincoln
Gentle giant comes to mind. You look all tough, but inside you are an oozy cinnamon roll. Sometimes you debate getting tribal tattoos.
9. Abby
You are the mom of the group. You would rather crawl up with a book and a glass of wine than go out and save the world, but here you are lugging a drunk freshman back to her dorm. You are trusting, but sometimes that slaps you in the face.
10. Kane
You're kind of a dick at first, but people realize you just want to do what is right after awhile. Your love of hair gel definitely outweighs your love of books, though. You always give the girl you're crushing on hell, but in the end, you end up together anyway. Dad Jokes definitely included.
11. John Murphy
You're a little screwed up and have an affinity for suffering, but you're a survivor. You have a soft spot for other criminals with a cause. You try to act like you don't give a sh*t, but your actions speak volumes. You might refer to yourself as trash. A lot of people want to hit you. *rolls eyes, does it anyway*
I left out Jaha because who the hell actually likes that guy?