I see articles left and right about people who do "blank" differently with anxiety and depression but I never see any with advice. The most important things for dealing with anxiety and depression are ways to cope in the rough times. Everyone is different, so everyone will have different ways of coping, but here are a few of my favorite things I use to cope with my anxiety and depression.
1. Coloring Books
When anxiety is high, coloring is a great distraction and a way to calm your nerves. It's a way to forget about the struggles of everyday life and get lost in the art.
2. Music
Both listening to and playing music are very calming. I personally like listening to soft music when I'm struggling. For my fellow musicians, playing your instrument could also help.
3. Road Trips
It's important to keep busy when dealing with depression and this is a great way to do that! You can get lose yourself and leave all worries behind for a few days.
4. One-on-one Time With a Friend
When dealing with depression, it's difficult to be around anyone, so spending time with just one friend is a good way to not overwhelm yourself. It's great to have someone to talk to and that will listen to you when you're struggling.
5. Cleaning
I know, cleaning sucks, but when I have no motivation to do anything, I can at least make myself clean. I feel much better in a clean environment. I even feel a little better knowing I've been productive even with my lack of motivation.
6. Crafting
Crafting always keeps my mind busy and something good always comes out of it, whether it be a gift for a friend or just a decoration for my bedroom! This past spring, I came up with so many gifts for my littles during these times!
7. Walking
People always say exercise is a great way to combat depression, but sometimes you can't even get up the motivation to do so. Walking is a good way to get some fresh air and get a little bit of exercise at the same time.
8. Counseling
Going to see a counselor can be a daunting task at first, but when you finally go, you won't regret it. It's a great way to talk things out and calm down. They can even help you get to the root of your problems. Talking things out always helps.
9. Breathing Techniques
Anxiety attacks are tough. It's hard to breathe and it's hard to calm yourself down. Learning breathing techniques beforehand can be a great help when you get into a situation when you need them. I try to focus on breathing in slowly through my nose and then exhale slowly from my mouth.
Now that I've given a list of things that can help, here are a few things I struggle with that are big NO-NO'S!
1. Oversleeping
Depression takes away all motivation and you just want to stay home and sleep. This is the worst thing you can do because it just gives you more time to think and wallow in your self-pity. Not a good plan.
2. Being Alone
It's best to find someone to talk to when depressed so you can have someone to help you think through things logically.
3. Continue Thinking About Your Problems
This one is tough because it's hard to bring yourself up when you're already down. The list of coping skills above is full of great ways to keep your mind off things.
4. Stay Home From Work/Class
Getting up and around is hard, but you'll feel better once you do. Skipping work or class puts you way behind and you'll end up even more stressed and upset than you were to begin with.
I hope my experience helps someone else before they get too low to help themselves. If you need someone to talk to, there are several hotlines you can call for free for all kinds of things you may need to talk about.