Many will tell you to 'follow your passion' or 'do what your interested in', but we have that voice in our minds telling us to worry about the jobs that are luxurious, make the most money or obtaining high status.
It does not help that we are constantly influenced by celebrate figures who obtain status and wealth so easily, it almost makes our efforts seem useless. As a result, this greatly impacts our academic goals rooted from the beginning of our education. We may categorize math classes as more 'important' as opposed to classes like English and history. This selective job seeking mentality at a young age can negatively impact our liberal education.
Obtaining a liberal and diverse education is imperative for skills people need to function and contribute to their communities. But we have need harboring these beliefs that skill based jobs matter more, and therefore we habitually may neglect having a diverse education.
Having this mindset will set us for misery when choosing our preferred occupation. Getting involved in a job that hold no interest to us can emotionally affect our health and well-being, and overall quality of life. Choosing the right career should be a decision made after obtaining a diverse education, not before.
Education should not only be skill based, but rather a cumulative education concentrating on a multitude of different subjects, not just one. With the education we obtain, we should apply our knowledge that we know to getting a job in our preferred field.