I don't know if anyone else is like me, but it is officially two weeks until the semester is over, and I am internally freaking out about pretty much everything. Sometimes, to really get myself worked up, I'll just stare at my planner and see all of the papers I have to write and all the research that I've put off. It's kind of amazing when that happens, too, because instead of being productive and getting things done early, all my mind wants to do is shut down and my body just wants me to sleep and watch "That 70's Show" on Netflix. Weird.
But I know that I'm hurting myself a lot more than helping. This semester, I took on a lot more than I probably should have. I picked up another job and worked about 40 hours a week, I write for the Odyssey, I'm continuing to stay active in my sorority, I officially have a boyfriend now, and all while going to school full time. And although I don't regret my relationship for a second or the things that I've done and learned, everything combined has impacted me a lot more than I like to admit, especially to other people.
I've lost 10 pounds this semester, which I can't afford to lose, considering I'm only 5' 2" and (supposed to be) 110 pounds. I'm also a lot more forgetful about things than I usually am, like a midterm I completely forgot about and had to bake a kid in my class cookies because he reminded me about it the day it was due. And mentally, I feel like I'm only holding it together by a thread. Sometimes I want to lock myself in my room and sleep the entire day, while eating chocolates and crying myself back to sleep (and no, that's not just because I'm a girl).
And while you might think I may be having a mental breakdown, there's only one thing I can really blame for all of these feelings and reactions—stress. And I know what you're thinking: Stressed? What does this girl have to be stressed about? Since I have so many things going on and I constantly have to be rushing to get somewhere that I need to be, there were times when I didn't have time to eat, or I was so focused on other things and out late, that the only thing I had the energy for was to drive home and pass out for the night. And on top of that, I have all these assignments and deadlines that I feel like I'm killing myself to complete so I can graduate and not let anyone down in the process of doing that.
In the end, though, there's only one person I can yell at for making my life this hectic and it's me. So if I have any advice for college students like me, don't take on too much and wear yourself down, because it's only going to come back and bite you in the butt. At the time you may think that you can handle all of the deadlines and hours, but it's not worth the stress that you're going to put yourself through. And if you don't listen to me and take on 10 more clubs or classes, then find someone who can help share your burden. If it wasn't for my family, friends, and my boyfriend, I know I wouldn't have survived this semester. They recharge my batteries and make me feel energized enough to take on the next week, when all I want to do is give up. I truly can never repay them for carrying me through this whole semester.