2. "Today I choose joy" | The Odyssey Online
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10 Inspiring Quotes I Live, Love, And Laugh By

Inspirational quotes are important because they activate an emotional pulse point in our hearts and minds when we are in a distressing situation.


Quotes are definitely special to me. If you're the person that follows quote pages on Instagram and has quotes up on their wall, then like me, you tend to live, love, and laugh by a couple. Quotes can say so much in so little words and can be so inspiring. If you need a pick me up, sometimes a quote even works. Here are 10 quotes that I tend to keep in my head daily!

1. "Everything happens for a reason, a season, or a lifetime"

I don't know how many times I can say this or hear this but, everything truly happens for a reason. Sometimes things work out and sometimes they don't. It's life. Things or people sometimes enter your life for one of the three reasons. They can enter it for a certain reason, where they end up teaching you something or maybe it's because you really needed that person at that moment. They can enter it for a season, where it's temporary but it ended up teaching you a lesson or making you happy in that certain season. Lastly, they can enter it for a lifetime and it's one of the best things that was brought into your life.

2. "Today I choose joy"

Be happy. While that may be an aspiration of yours, decide to be happy today. Be full of joy because at the end of the day if you truly are, then nobody can take that away from you. It's also a great feeling, knowing you're content and happy with life. You should always try to be optimistic and happy because people will remember how you made them feel and how you probably brought light into their day. Be that person that brightens the room they walk into. Be that person that's walking on sunshine. Remember though, it's okay not to be okay, so don't fake a smile if you don't have too.

3. "Purpose fuels passion"

Having passion is very important in life. When you have a passion, you practice it and you eventually get better at it. You also end up finding a purpose. A goal. A dream. You end up shooting for an endpoint. Purpose truly does fuel passion because your will to do something ends up landing you in your future. If your purpose fuels your passion, ultimately, you'll end up doing what you love.

4. "Know this: you can start over each morning"

If you have a bad day, remember that tomorrow is a new day. Just because things went bad one day, doesn't mean the same thing will happen the next day. Every day is different. Try to be optimistic and hope for a better tomorrow. If you made some mistakes throughout the day, just try to learn the lesson from each of them, so you can apply those lessons to the next day.

5. "Work hard, have fun, no drama"

Working hard is part of life. To get places you need to work hard and always try your best. The only way people get places is by working hard and putting in all of their efforts. In terms of fun, having fun means being happy and making memories. I know that I had a good day when I did something fun or did something that made me smile. In terms of drama, as much as we may sometimes get dragged into drama, we have to remember that it truly doesn't benefit us in any way. Drama is fun to watch but definitely not fun to participate in. Overall, this quote is definitely something people should live by because working hard, having fun and not getting involved with drama are all important aspects to a happy life.

6. "Positive mind, positive vibes, positive life"

Positivity is always a great thing to have. Keeping a positive mind leads to possible positive outcomes. In terms of vibes, you should want positive ones because negative ones don't help you have fun. Both a positive mind and vibes lead to a positive life. When we smile, our thoughts change immediately because our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, causing positive thoughts and a state of happiness. Who doesn't want to be happy? When we smile, our thoughts change immediately. Our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, causing positive thoughts and a state of happiness. Positive thinking keeps stress at bay, it boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem, leads to good decisions and leads you to success. Ways that you can encourage positivity include encouraging it at the start of your day, focusing on the good things, laughing and imagining success in your life.

7. "Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do"

Everybody has their own abilities in life. Everybody has their own setbacks in life. Either way, we shouldn't let those two interfere with another. If you can do something and it's not quite perfect yet, don't stress too much over it. You'll eventually get there with time and practice. Everybody can achieve what they want too. If you can do something, then focus on that one thing. Focus on trying to become better and turning what you can't do into something you can do.

8. "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going"

Time is a precious thing. It becomes a factor in everything. If you watch the clock all the time, it will honestly slow down. Think about when you're in class and you keep looking at the clock — time seems to be moving so quickly. When you don't watch the clock, it goes quicker and you'll be out of class in no time. Just let it be. Let time move you to where you need to be in the universe.

9. "The expert in anything was once a beginner"

Everyone starts somewhere. The expert was always once a beginner. You practice and practice until you continuously get better. When you think to yourself that you're unable to do something perfectly, you have to remember that everyone starts at a certain point. It may take longer for some people to do certain things. Everyone has their pace.

10. "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken"

Be yourself because you are who you are. Be yourself because there are already so many other people. Be unique. Being who you are is important because it allows you to express yourself in the best way possible. It's important to accept your personality traits because they make you who you are. Never be who you aren't because that means you're just lying to yourself.

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