So the headliner of "The Faulkner Chronicles" are back at it again! This time, it is more of a giving back to the community service work and then enjoying ourselves that night.
Today, a group of about thirty of us got on a few church buses and helped out at Davis Elementary School in Montgomery. Yes, it was apart of our "Devoted 24/7" campaign and was required for service hours for the semester; but this was much more than just us trying to rack up those service hours. It was more of a service for the Lord type of work. In the New Testament of the Bible, it states how we are to be servers and workers for the Lord. We are to give back to what has been given to us, to those who need it most. And today, we surely helped those who needed it.
A group of us went outside into the courtyard of the school and planted trees and bushes. Some of us planted and watered the plants, while others were mulching to make the area look more pleasing to look at. We were there for about three hours assembling the courtyard together and the transformation was phenomenal! It went from an overgrown piece of random land, to an area where the kids can play and have a great time enjoying the beauty of the outdoors. Overall, it was a fantastic experience that I wish everyone can make an effort to do.
Now onto the fun part of the evening! After we all got cleaned up from the work we had done during the day, it was TOGA TIME. SGA at Faulkner hosted a Toga Party for all of the Social Clubs, so everyone got to know who they were and which one they could fit in the best. People showed up left and right wearing whatever they could find to make it into a toga. From bed sheets, to ENOs, to blankets and other various items of fabric, everyone had their own unique version of a toga. Yes I did have to have help even putting mine on, but still, my peach colored bed sheet was pretty awesome (if I say so myself). Chick-Fil-A catered and it was possibly the best and most nutritious meal us college students had eaten all week long. Everyone laughed and danced when the "Cubic Shuffle" came on. Overall, I applaud whomever is reading this and was apart of putting together this function. Kudos to you all who put forth effort into making this the best year yet at Faulkner for Social Clubs and student unity.
One word to describe the day would be: fantastic. From helping those in need, to having a blast and making memories as Eagles at good ole' FCU, I wouldn't change a thing. I know for a fact, even though this is only my third week of school coming up; but I know that this is going to be a spectacular year and one for the books. Soar Eagles.