Josh Tillman's third LP under the pseudonym Father John Misty is both angsty and passionate in the most contradictorily united way possible. After quitting Fleet Foxes as their drummer, Tillman began his solo career with hits such as "Chateau Lobby #4 (in C for Two Virgins)" and "Real Love Baby". He sings about almost anything one could possibly think of - ranging from politics, religion, entertainment, even war.
"Ballad of the Dying Man", the album's first single, is a good introduction to Tillman's new style. It showcases his vocal range without removing the emphasis on his lyrics that portrays his philosophy on life.
"Eventually the dying man take his final breath / But first checks his news feed to see what he's 'bout to miss / It occurs to him a little late in the game / We leave as clueless as we came / For the rented heavens to the shadows in the cave / We'll all be wrong someday."
He sings of the limitations of life, acknowledging that all men will eventually die, and only what we leave behind (if anything) is what matters to the world.
The most popular song on "Pure Comedy", "Total Entertainment Forever," begins with a controversial line.
"Bedding Taylor Swift / Every night inside the Oculus Rift / After mister and missus / Finish dinner and the dishes". Tillman does a surprisingly wonderful job on capturing, not only the listeners' attentions, but also the main message of the song. He sings of the different life that he is now leading, as a popular singer on top of the charts. "You're a star now, baby, so dry your tears / You're just like them / Wake on up from the nightmare."
Though he has finally accomplished his dreams, it's arguable whether he truly enjoys the newfound fame. There are both delight and distress in becoming what he has always wanted to be.
One of the best album releases of this year, Father John Misty is able to do something vital that many other artists of the current top charts are unable to do - write music on (essentially) any topic but love.