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Father, Heal Our Land

A cry for healing in a divided nation

Father, Heal Our Land

I don't care if you are happy or sad about who won. Donald Trump is our next president and nothing can change that. This election cycle has been of the most ruthless and vicious ever. If I have learned anything from this election it is that the divisions in this land are deeper than once thought. As a believer, I have put much thought and prayer into how to go forward from seeing this great divide. Now more than ever I have reached the conclusion that Christ is the only answer. For true healing and love to occur we must humble ourselves, pray, seek his face, and turn from our wicked ways.

2nd Chronicles 7:14 says:

" If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land"

This land needs healing. The hearts of those distraught by the outcome of this election need the power and love of the Father to heal their hearts. They need to humble themselves, pray, seek his face, and turn from their wicked ways. No other belief gives freedom and love to everyone in the way true Christianity does. If you argue differently then you are arguing from a bad view of scripture and from an attitude that has been hurt by men with selfish intentions coming in the name of God. I believe that the heart of God breaks and longs for those who don't know him to come to the saving and freeing knowledge of his love. If that's you and you don't know Him, find someone who will show you the true love of Christ.

To my fellow believers, the weight of this healing is as much or more on you than on the unbeliever. It says if "my people" will do these things I will hear and heal their land. Look at the four things he says to do.

1. Humble yourselves!

Jesus showed much anger and contempt for the religious of the day who were in it for themselves and had themselves so lifted up they couldn't extend a hand of love to those in need. They scoffed and ignored the helpless. Our salvation does not put us in a position to show contempt for those who disagree with us. If anything it puts us in a place to love and serve our enemies. (Matthew 5:44.)

2. Pray!

God is moved by the cries of his children. Matthew 7:7-12 basically says ask and you shall receive. If we as evil humans know how to give good things to our children, how much more does God love to give good things to his children when they ask. Prayer is vital. It is the main way of communicating in your relationship with God.

3. Seek his face!

The heart cry of a Christian should be to know God more and more and to be more like him. Seeking his face is to seek and know who he really is. Don't look at a politician to guide how you live and act. Read the Word and pray to God that he show you how to live. Seek who he is and let that be the model to how you live your life. (The whole Bible).

4. Turn from your wicked ways!

John the Baptist preached, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matthew 3:2) It was also what Jesus proclaimed at the beginning of his ministry. (Matthew 4:17). There is beauty in turning from the old and stepping into the new. If our lives are not changed to live holy lives then why did Jesus come? As a friend once said, Holiness is a response to Christ's grace. How can we expect a fallen world to follow God's standards if we ourselves are unwilling?

This land needs healing. As the body of Christ we are the ones to bring that healing. No politician or famous figure will bring it. It is our responsibility to love others as Christ has loved us, and to be his ambassadors. There is so much more I want to say and I know that this could have been presented in a more eloquent way. My heart is just breaking for the hurting and lost in this nation. If you hear nothing else from this article hear this, you are formed and made in the image of Christ. He has redeemed you and given you life and the Holy Spirit. Live like it. Brother and sister in Christ please hear me. Live like the child of God you are!

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