There are people in your life who will care about what you do because it effects them, and there are people who will care about you because they genuinely want what's best for you. I have this tendency to invest too much of myself towards other people.
When I care about someone, I really care. I have these expectations that if I'm good to them, they'll be good to me in return because that's just common courtesy, right? Well I think I just expect too much from people. And I end up being the one who gets hurt.
Everyone has that one friend who screws them over in the end... For me, I was really close to this girl in high school. Her family was falling apart and I offered her a place to stay and a helping hand when she wanted to escape. After being a great friend to her for months, she became aloof and decided that I wasn't worth her time, forgetting about me the second she didn't need me anymore. I knew what kind of person she was before I became close with her. But it still hurt more than it should have.
I want the best for the people in my life. I want them to do things that will help them excel, progress, make them happy, keep them safe, or have the best time. And people are constantly letting me down. I get my hopes when I make plans for people and upset when they don't follow through with them.
I can't help but feel like people are wasting their lives away when they choose to watch Netflix instead of go on a spontaneous trip. I set my bar too high, and in the end I'm the one who falls off the bar.
My friends call me mom. I think I took on this maternal roll towards them for a few reasons. Being the oldest child has always put me in a leadership roll. But I think I just want everyone to be safe. Maybe it's my anxiety that kicks in and convinces me into thinking that someone needs to make sure everyone is taken care of.
But being in college, it's really inconvenient. I take it too far and get upset at things that I have no reason to get upset about. We're growing up; people have to make mistakes before they can fix them. And making those mistakes is what is going to make us all grow up.
Everyone has their flaws. Some people are too loud and others are unintentionally rude. But my fatal flaw is caring too much. When I care too much, I get very critical. I judge people based on their actions, and that isn't fair for me to do. Especially to my best friends. So to everyone I've done this to, I'm sorry. I only do it out of love.