When a person first sees me they probably notice that 1. I’m fat, 2. I wear glasses, and 3. I have longish dirty blond/light brunette hair. And that’s perfectly okay, because fat is not an insult.
Stupid is an insult. Fat cow is an insult. Bitch is an insult. Lazy is an insult. Ugly is an insult. Pizza face is an insult. Fat is not an insult.
My eyes are green with hints of brown, which is why people describe my eyes as being hazel. My hair is a dark blonde or brown color, so one can call it dirty blonde. My feet are a size 11 wide so it’s perfectly fine to say I have big feet. My face is round and my cheeks are chubby so I get told I have a baby face. I am five feet and five inches tall so I am told that I am an average height. I have visible acne on my face and people think it’s perfectly okay to tell me that it’s getting better. I weigh more than I should so I call myself fat, but people think that it’s an insult. But it’s really just another physical attribute of my body. Fat is an adjective meaning “(of a person or animal) having a large amount of excess flesh. I have more flesh than I should have, therefore I’m fat. What’s insulting about that? I’ve known I weigh more than I should since I was little, just like I’ve known my eyes are hazel, my hair is dirty blonde, I have a baby face with acne on it, I have big feet and I’m the average height of a female.
“Is fat really the worst thing a human being can be? Is fat worse than vindictive, jealous, shallow, vain, boring, evil, or cruel? Not to me.” J.K. Rowling said this and it’s incredibly true. I work every day on being a good person and I’m going to be incredibly vain for a moment and say I think I do a good job. I’m usually nice, gentle, kind, thoughtful, loving and protective. Aren’t these traits much more important than how much I weigh? I think so.
Fat is not an insult to me and it shouldn’t be an insult to you either. Being fat is not the worst thing in the world. You can be pretty, smart, funny, intelligent, loving, popular and fat. Don’t let the size of your body define you, because you are such a beautiful person.