College students come in all shapes and sizes, of all races and ethnicities, from tall guys, short guys, tall girls, and short girls. It is just how we are built. But one type of person is what I want to talk about today: the big guy on campus. I'm not talking tall guys. I am talking about guys who are fat in regards to my definition of "big."
I want to talk about my experience as a "big guy" because I want other big guys around campus and other college campuses to not feel ashamed of their bodies, but instead feel confident about their bodies.
1. Going up stairs and running out of breathÂ
People think I run out of breath because of my weight, but the truth is I'm asthmatic and my lungs just suck.
2. People judging you for eating that extra cookie or burrito (or other food item)Â
I admit. I love food. But I feel if I want to have an extra cookie or a candy bar, I am free to eat it. No one can stop me. I am a hungry, tired college student and food and coffee fuels me. If people don't like seeing a big man eating, they can look the other way.
3. People telling you that "you should go on a diet; you're fat; you're going to die from a heart attack at the age of 25, other disparaging comment"
Thanks, bro. Your comment really made my day. I have heard this all my life and your comments don't bother me as much anymore. To the people that say I am going to have a heart attack by the age of 25, keep talking that trash. I'm 23 and my heart is healthy. I should know. My doctor has checked it.
4. Walking around the hell that is a huge college campus
UK's campus is really huge. Sometimes to get somewhere, you have to walk miles to it. Thank God for college busses that will take you across campus. Lextran Route 14, you are the real MVP.
5. Self-worth is a struggle
People are evil sometimes. A lot of times, all people want to do is make you feel crappy about yourself. They do it to get a rise out of you. It somehow makes their day better to make yours hell. Don't pay attention to people that seek to tear you down. God made you the way you are for a reason. Embrace it. If you want to change, do it for yourself and not because someone told you to.