Being fat sucks. There are people who will tell you that fat girls are cute or misinterpret your fatness as your chubbiness. Well let me tell you, that is all crap. Only a fat girl truly knows the complications of being one. Fat girls, can you relate?!
1. The struggle of finding a perfect dress
Yes, I have to go to 20 stores to find a dress for me. The pretty dresses are all for skinny people and the ones that fit you are not pretty. And the clothes you order online are definitely a disaster! Besides, long-boots do not fit you as well. My mom sent me a pair of extremely cute knee-boots and I couldn't fit in it. It hurts. It physically hurts.
2. You rip the perfect ones
I have ripped uncountable perfect jeans and tees while getting up. You know, especially when you are out somewhere and the cloth just tears out of nowhere! I have so many embarrassing moments when my zipper just came off my pants. Hence, I had to call my friend to bring me a pair of pants. (Handy pants friends are the best!)
3. People are always telling you about your diet
I have so many people stare me down from head to my toes and remind me to eat healthily. They are always telling me about calories and how I should be hitting the gym. I know all about calories and fried foods and I don't want to have someone constantly judging my body!
4. Sympathy lies!!
And there are so many people who are like 'Oh no! You are not fat! You have a perfect body.' Don't tell me something just to make me feel better. You don't need to start a conversation that always highlights my fatness or non-fatness!
5. You look like a ball
True indeed. No matter if you are wearing shorts or pants, you will always be a ball. Since I am a short fat girl, I might as well be a panda bear! While there are girls flaunting their long legs in a bikini, there are fat girls like me who are trying to hide that extra layer of fat in your stomach.
6. Bad pictures
I have difficulty recalling the last time I had my perfect photo taken. Either your arms are large or your thighs are fat or your stomach is hanging. It's one of the reasons I only have my face in my Facebook profile picture and don't change my profile picture that often. Welcome to the world of not being photogenic.
7. Working out is a problem!
I tried going to gym once. I didn't work out so well. I was walking on the treadmill, struggling to catch my breath and there was this girl next to me who was running at high speed! (Basically faster than light.) Meanwhile, I had to stop every five minutes due to muscle cramps. It was really embarrassing. Needless to say, I have given up on the gym since then.
8. You have annoying nicknames
My friends call me 'moti' (translated to 'fatty' in English), 'motu' (a fancy fatty, like fattie). Yes, I rarely am called by name. Seriously, when I was in high school, my zoology teacher used to call me Homo habilis. People just keep on adding nicknames, which constantly remind me of how fat I am.
Well, next time you talk to a 'fat girl', don't give her nicknames and certainly don't give her diet advice. Oh, believe me, no one has researched those fat burning articles more than we have!