Why Fast Fashion Sucks | The Odyssey Online
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Why Fast Fashion Sucks

We can't ignore the inevitable consequences anymore.

Why Fast Fashion Sucks

The term "fast fashion" refers to apparel and accessories that move rapidly from the catwalk or runway to fashion retailers that allow mainstream consumers to purchase these trends at more reasonable prices. Some popular retailers that employ the fast fashion philosophy include Zara, H&M and Forever 21. Although this does not initially sound horrible, the fact of the matter is that fast fashion has been repeatedly criticized for poor working conditions in developing countries as well as caused many environmental issues.

All individuals see on the finished product of a clothing item at H&M is that it's made in a different country like China, but hardly anyone thinks about the conditions of the individuals who made the clothes. The reality is that many individuals are working long hours in harsh conditions at a sweatshop to made that dress that costs fifteen dollars.

On average, Americans are purchasing five times the amount of clothing they did in the 1980s, which means that the continuous purchasing of these items has led to high amounts of textiles being discarded yearly. It is important to understand that a great majority of donated clothes end up in landfills. And since many items of clothing are made of synthetic dyes, they are not able to decompose properly. Additionally throughout production, the environment experiences lasting harm. With the use of heavy machinery, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide contribute to the pollution of various ecosystems. Along with harmful greenhouse gases, dyes and pesticides are repeatedly being released in the aquatic environment in each community the fashion sector operates. Fast fashion has definitely caused a rise in environmental damage over the years.

Now that so many fashion retailers employ the fast fashion philosophy, shopping ethically can be exasperatingly challenging. However, there are definitely retailers out there who believe in providing long-lasting quality clothes that are environmentally friendly. Ever since I've stopped shopping at fast fashion retailers, I've thrifted my clothes, which makes me appreciate the items that I have in my closet because they weren't so easy to come by. For example, if I knew that I wanted a black t-shirt, I would no longer purchase it from my local Forever 21, but instead, hunt it for at a local thrift store. Overall, knowing that I am doing something responsible for the environment and for the good of the people makes boycotting fast fashion worth it.

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