10 Misconceptions About Fashion Students
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10 Misconceptions About Fashion Students

No, it's not easy.

10 Misconceptions About Fashion Students

“Oh, so you’re a fashion student…” If you are a fashion student like myself, you have probably heard this a thousand times, followed by a variety of responses. You most likely fell in love with fashion from the very beginning. You have a love for art and creativity, a passion and drive for the industry. You enjoy talking to people about your major, but sometimes receive uneducated, narrow-minded responses such as these that completely blow your mind:

1. We always dress up (What are sweatpants again?)

One of the most common misconceptions about fashion students is that we dress up 365 days a year, which is most definitely not true! With an exception of a few students who just naturally dress nice every day of course. Sweatpants and comfortable clothing do find their way into a fashion major’s closet, especially for those days when you have a dreadful 7:45 a.m. class. Yes, we are glamorous at times, but no one misses a chance to be comfy!

2. All our classes consist of is touching fabric and drawing the occasional picture.

No, no, no. This is not how a fashion class goes at all. I think people are so uneducated as to what a fashion class really consists of that they form these unrealistic ideas in their heads. Yes, we do have a fabrics class, but we do not sit around testing the softness by rubbing it on our cheeks and frolicking around with it. We look at the weights, construction, uses, benefits, etc. Fashion Design and Merchandising is a college-level major with classes we pay for just like everyone else, and it's not always fun and games like some who are not involved believe it to be.

3. We can all sew (Oh, you're in fashion? Make me something!)

NEWSFLASH! Not everyone in the fashion school can sew an entire garment that is runway-ready or looks like it should be selling in the window of Kate Spade. One of the most annoying things a fashion major (particularly merchandising students) who can’t sew can hear is “you can’t sew, isn’t that the whole part of fashion?” Yes, sewing and the construction of garments is a huge part of fashion, but fashion is so much more than that, it’s an industry. It has creative aspects but also has real-world, money-making, businesses aspects as well. This is like a fashion student asking an undergraduate pre-med student "Hey, I need my appendix out, are you free this weekend?"

4. No guys, specifically not straight guys, major in fashion

This is one of those misconceptions that makes me angry. This is due to the fact that our world today is so stereotypical. One thing that I have learned is that anyone can be a part of the fashion industry, whether they are male, female, gay, or straight. I have met some of the coolest guys I know because of the fashion school, and let me tell you, their work is just as good if not better than some of the girls’.

5. We shop all the time

Do we love shopping? Yes. But do we go all the time? No. We are just like any other college students: broke. We do enjoy shopping, and when we have the extra money, we tend to enjoy spending it on a few new outfits, but we don’t hit the malls as soon as class ends. Although I must admit that learning about some of the most amazing designers in the world does start to burn a little hole in your pocket.

6. Fashion students are always critiquing you

Being fashion students does not make us automatically the fashion police. We are not judging you constantly on how you dress and look. Fashion is not based solely on the most expensive pieces, or exclusive designer apparel. Fashion is about showing off you own personal style and who you are. Why would we judge you for this? If a fashion student is eyeing you down, it most likely because they like your shoes or that handbag you are carrying caught their eye.

7. Fashion students are materialistic and stuck up

Every major is going to have those selective few people that think they are “the shit," but that’s life. All fashion majors are not like this, and to be quite honest it hurts to think people think this. I have met some of the most genuine, kind-hearted people over my time at the fashion school. You always come across those people that are a little more cutthroat than others, but that is definitely not the majority!

8. We are all going to manage retail stores when we graduate

There is so much more to fashion than just retail. Yes, a lot of us start off working retail, but this helps us learn how a business is run, and a little about working with consumers. Most fashion students have so many options and types of jobs to choose from that they don’t know where to even start! Fashion is like a type of business degree; there will be tons of jobs, you just have to go out and look for them!

9. It's so easy a caveman could do it

Something I hear a lot is how easy people think earning a fashion degree is. I am living proof telling you this is not the case at all. Fashion consists of long nights slaving over projects that will get critiqued, and then most likely end in you redoing it all the night before it is due. The question I like to ask people who think they can just walk in and become a fashion major is “Can you please draw for me and explain what a croquis is?”

10. Are you sure this is what you want to do for the rest of your life?

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