Fashion Report: The Summer of Nostalgia | The Odyssey Online
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Fashion Report: The Summer of Nostalgia

This summer's look is a walk down memory lane.

Fashion Report: The Summer of Nostalgia

Many remain eager to see new trends hit the fashion industry. However, this summer is all about the classic fashion staples and a walk down memory lane. Vogue Magazine writer, Laura Weir, writes on the idea of returning to retro: “Judging by spring/summer 2015's nostalgic wander through the archives, fashion is primed to do a fierce trade in memories this season, right back to the Seventies."

The 70s was a time of lace, prints, chunky heels, and high-waisted bottoms. While the decade may have had its fair share of hits and misses, the industry has updated the styles while still preserving the retro essence.

The spring/summer 2015 show was inspired by the original icons of the era: Joni Mitchell, Cher, Donny and Marie Osmond and more.

The looks remained true to the decade: expressive and lively. In the 70s people wore jump suits, platforms, spaghetti straps and countless prints. “Polyester was the material of choice and bright colors were everywhere," says Paul Phipps from RetroWaste.

Redirecting to today's fashion, bits and pieces of the 70s culture has inspired every aspect of the summer look. From summer music festivals to beach vacations, the once deemed "hippie look" is here to stay.


Platform Shoes

Prints & Patterns


High-Waisted Bottoms

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