I have always been a huge fan of The Vampire Diaries. Not only because of the mysterious Salvatore brothers, the small town that always has something happening behind the scenes, or even the love triangles that made you question if you were #TeamStelena, #TeamDelena, #TeamSteroline, and the list continues. With the last Season coming to an end, and the DELENA reunion we have all been waiting on, I have been pretty emotional lately. The show that I have watched every episode of, and even watched them film, it has been super hard. So, it has been a huge part of my life. I know I sound like a major fangirl but don't act like you aren't one. Anyways, here are the life lessons I have learned throughout the years. *SPOILER ALERT*
1. Not everyone is who you think they are.
Everyone has a soft side and a dark side. We can see this as we get to know the Salvatore brothers. Stefan is the one who pretends to be good and Damon is the one who pretends to be evil. As we continue to watch the seasons, we see their roles begin to change. You can see Stefan's dark side come out when he becomes "The Ripper." You can see Damon's good side come out when he falls in love with Elena. Do I need to even get started on doppelgängers? We all got them confused at once. (Especially when we first met Katherine.)
2. Never give up on family.
Although your family may annoy you and fight with you on many occasions, you know you still love them. Blood is thicker than water. Blood is obviously a key symbol of TVD, but above all, it represents family. No matter what happens in this show, Damon and Stefan never give up on each other. Although many times they try to leave each other, they always have each other's back. We also see this when The Originals come into the show. They may get mad at each other and dagger each other for centuries, but they always forgive one another and live by the saying, "always and forever."
3. Live life to the fullest.
No one is promised tomorrow, not even vampires. I know we all remember when our favorite characters died. Stefan. Damon. Alaric. Joe. Jeremy. Tyler. Enzo. Kai. Katherine (You know you liked her at the end). Elena. And the list continues. It felt as if our hearts got ripped out. We all wished we could flip our humanity switch. Everyone thinks that if you're a human on TVD, you are either going to turn into a vampire or turn into a human blood bag. However, Matt Donovan has somehow been exempt from that list. (That does not mean he hasn't had the help of some vampire blood.)
4. People can change.
Damon Salvatore is a great example of that. At the beginning, Damon came just to cause trouble. He killed everyone and anyone in his path. He has had a very damaged past, starting in the 1800s, so you can see how living with something for that long would take a toll on a person. However, it all changed when he met Elena. He changed for the better and went from being the most selfish person in the world to the most selfless person. I guess this always proves that love can actually conquer all.
5. Sacrifice.
Bonnie Bennett. Do I even have to say more? She has sacrificed so much for everyone she loves. She has had so many near-death experiences so many times and has even died trying to help her friends.
6. You can fall in love with more than one person but you will find the one you are supposed to be with.
There are so many love triangles when it comes to this show. Stefan and Katherine. Damon and Caroline. Stefan and Elena. Damon and Elena. Matt and Elena. Caroline and Matt. Caroline and Tyler. Caroline and Klaus (That WE ALL wanted to happen.) Caroline and Stefan. Bonnie and Jeremy. Bonnie and Enzo. You get the point. Each one of them were an "epic love story." They all loved one another but then they all fell IN LOVE. So you may think that there is only one person for you, but this show proves that even though you love someone, you are not necessarily meant to be together. However, you will find "a love that consumes you."
So goodbye to my all time favorite show. Thank you for all of the valuable lessons you have taught me throughout the years. Thank you for always making my day 10x better by making me imagine myself fighting off vampires, werewolves, etc. in Mystic Falls. Thank you for letting me join the TVD family and growing with you throughout the years. And most of all, thank you for showing me that you can overcome anything.