MUSE has been a staple part of Odyssey's content creators' lives. It's been there for us through every thought, every deadline, and has helped us breathe life into our ideas and opinions.
MUSE has created communities and friendships across the US. It's been a voice for people who don't know how to verbally express themselves. Having MUSE come to an end is emotional for some, as I'm sure we all can agree that without MUSE or Odyssey, our lives would be vastly different.
However, there are a few things us Content Creators won't miss about you, MUSE. You stopped showing our page views, which discouraged some about sharing their articles, even though that's what Odyssey is about. You would lag, erase nearly finished articles without saving the draft (I've definitely grown a few gray hairs due to this happening to me on multiple occasions), frustrated us to our breaking points.
You would have bugs, in which we would experience #OdysseyBlackOuts, you really weren't all that user-friendly, and let's not forget the times when I tried creating a video and you would just stop working completely and crash. Those were the days.
All in all, while being a Content Creator using MUSE could be a hassle and a half, I wouldn't trade our time for anything, MUSE. You taught me how to have patience, and that the best content comes from the heart. (Or from a complete anxiety attack because it's two minutes away from submission deadline and you've decided to freeze).
While I'm already in love with the new editing website, you will always hold a special place in my heart.