In May 2017, I began to write for the Odyssey, and little did I know that it would be one of the best decisions I have ever made.
The Odyssey has let me voice my opinions on some pretty touchy subjects that I would normally just bottle up and try to ignore. It also has let me express my emotions on so many topics that are extremely personal to me, but I figured many people could relate to it.
Unfortunately, this is my last article. Things have just been a little too crazy with working midnights, trying to do my best while finishing up my senior year of college, and volunteering as well. Although I really enjoyed writing for this website, I noticed that my input has been lacking since I have become even more busy (if that's possible.)
I just want to give a huge thank you to anyone who took even two minutes out of their days to read my articles. Those two minutes honestly mean the world to me because they show me that you care. You could have spent those two minutes doing something else, or reading someone else's article, but instead you chose to read mine and for that I feel pretty damn special.
Also thank you for understanding and respecting what I had to say. I know that some topics I wrote about may have been tough to swallow or some people did not fully agree with what I wrote, but I received nothing but respectful viewpoints and constructive criticism in return.
Now a little piece of advice for my readers (whether it be two of you, five, or ten), don't be afraid to let your voice be heard. Speak up for what you believe in, whether it be creating a blog, making videos, or joining an organization. Life is too short for your voice to be silent. You have it for a reason.
Also, because life is short, try to live a life without regrets. Work your ass off to get where you want to be, but also remember to cut loose and do something a little crazy sometimes (like jumping off a 850 feet building or something).
Each one of you is unique and beautiful for so many different reasons, let your light shine through. I love each and every one of you.
Forever sending all my love,